The BBC want to do a story on Impulse Control Disorder caused by Ropinirole, Pramipexole or the Neupro patch.They are particularly interested in speaking to anyone affected by Hypersexuality. The journalist assured me it will be done on a 'confidential' basis and your names will not be used.
Impulse Control Disorder can affect up to 38% of patients taking dopamine agonists. It can happen months or years after you start taking them.
RLS-UK's recent survey showed 11% of respondents taking DAs were displaying signs of ICD.
Many patients affected have successfully sued their Doctors in the UK for failing to warn about this very common complication.
If you have been affected by this, please contact me by Private message and I will pass on your details to the BBC investigative journalist.
The journalist is aware of the billion dollar class actions against Big Pharma in the USA and that Big Pharma put warning notices in leaflets from 2010 onwards. But he still thinks they need to take more responsibility and to advertise this common side effect more to doctors and patients.
The more media attention we can get- the more likely we are to get RLS included in the UK medical curriculum. That will lead to more knowledge and better treatment. And, hopefully, new UK NICE guidelines to reflect the Mayo Clinic Algorithm and the new American Academy of Sleep Medicine Guidance.
Please ask around, and if you are on FB groups- here or in the USA, please ask if anyone affected by Hypersexuality will speak to the BBC. Hypersexuality is the main ICD that people do NOT want to talk about because of the shame /stigma associated with it.
But the DRUGS are causing the patient to act out of character.
I know from speaking to contacts in the USA that there are people in prison for offences caused by Dopamine Agonist induced Hypersexuality. Marriages and relationships have broken down because of 'out of character' addictions to pornography or sudden infidelity/use of prostitutes.
We need to stop these medications being prescribed first line and we need RED FLAG warnings by doctors to all patients that have been taking them.
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