I s anyone here on this? Are you in Spain under Dr Garcia-Borreguero? Was quoted $1500 for a compounded script in Australia or can get it for 10c/ tablet from India. It sounds promising , but then many things do, hoping there is some experience.
Dipyridamole - anyone taking? - Restless Legs Syn...
Dipyridamole - anyone taking?

There are a some who have tried it and found it helpful. The most common side effect is headaches. At least 1 person said it went away after 5 days but didn't for others. Not everyone gets headaches. Take it on an empty stomach. Just curious. Where in India can you get it that inexpensive?
Yes headache seems to be common and there is a study showing it usually goes over a few weeks. "Everything" works for RLS for some people, for some time. Was hoping this was getting to be a bit more experience in the community. Was thinking of contacting Dr GB and see it it is a routine thing he uses still.
India has a huge pharmaceutical industry. I think I just Googled Dipyridamole India and '100' pharmaceutic sales companies popped up. Will grab their name for next post.
I took dipyridamole for 3 plus years, and it worked GREAT for me without any side effects and fairly inexpensive at $26/month, 120 tabs. Good luck!!
LanaCSR Why did you stop taking it? I have stopped taking mine. It is $200 every three months for 300mg a night (4 * 75mg). I found 225mg to be an effective dose.
I recently had surgery and was required to stop taking it a week before surgery. Several months before then I had been contemplating stopping taking it because I wasn't sure it was really working for me. So after my surgery, I decided to not go back on it if I didn't feel like I needed it, and I haven't needed to go back on it.
I feel the same about not taking it. My RLS doesn’t feel as strong. It is certainly there, but it is very tolerable.
This was my experience healthunlocked.com/rlsuk/po...
I'm in Australia and from memory it cost between $300 and $400 for a compounded script, 1 month's supply.
Personally, I'd be wary of ordering medicines online. It may well be legitimate, but may not.

Yes very wary. India has a huge pharmaceutical industry - check the made in mark of any of your medications. My understanding is that the vast majority of this places are legit but would not advise it for anyone else.
I will be starting it for the first time next week. Starting at low at 50 mg. I will let you know how it goes.
I took Dipyridamole for about 2 years. It is an amazing drug for MY RLS. I stopped taking it about two weeks ago, because I don't seem to need it. Yes, I still have mild RLS, but I can get through it in 5-10 minutes. I am still sensitive to noise, but no where near as bad as it used to be.
I intend to write a report here shortly.
I look forward to your report WideBody. It's always good to read of other people's experiences/experiments, especially when done for a sustained period.