It is several months since I stopped dipyridamole after taking it for about a year for my rls. Thought I’d report that I seem to continue to benefit from the good effects. I have already reported that the overall impact was slightly disappointing. The urge to move rls did not improve at all but - weirdly - the awful creepy crawley sensation disappeared completely. I never would have thought they could be separate. The other major benefit of dipyridamole, a greater energy and sense of being ‘myself’ during the day, also remains.
I am currently taking one of my infrequent breaks from pramipexole (in the hope of prolonging it’s useful life and deferring the re-emergence of augmentation) so my symptoms are quite bad at the moment. Urge to move is disrupting sleep all night but no creepy crawley feeling at all. It is surprising how much less awful the rls is without it (though obviously would much prefer to be asleep!). I am also still much less dopey and ‘drawn’ during the day even though getting no sleep.
So all-in-all I’m really glad I embarked on the dipyridamole experiment.