I have been on 100mg Tramadol plus Gabapentin for many years but my RLS has been getting worse this last year. Following the latest algorithm I asked my GP if I could change from Tramadol to Buprenorphine and consider boosting my Ferritin by intravenous iron. He was not willing to do either but suggested a Tramadol ‘holiday’ and increased my Gabapentin. I started to increase my Ferritin from typically 70-100 with 20mg gentle iron and Vitamin C on an empty stomach. I titrated my Tramadol down to 60mg using liquid Tramadol but couldn’t cope and had to go back to 100mg. My symptoms gradually disappeared and for a week I slept through the night! Now they are drifting back again with evening episodes and up twice last night with the ‘wriggles’. The effect of my Tramadol ‘holiday’ I thought? Today I got my blood results (48 hrs since taking any iron and fasting overnight)
Ferritin 197!!! %Transferrin 21.5
Is this normal with gentle iron after a few months? Pleased I have raised it so high but very disappointed that my symptoms haven’t stayed down. Looks like it isn’t the solution for me. Will monitor but looks like I will need a London consultant, who are the recommended RLS specialists?