Hello friends,
I hope this post finds you all well.
I’m just making sure everyone has this article to present to their physicians if it’s seeming like opioids may be necessary to treat your RLS.
Have a great weekend,
Hello friends,
I hope this post finds you all well.
I’m just making sure everyone has this article to present to their physicians if it’s seeming like opioids may be necessary to treat your RLS.
Have a great weekend,
What happens when tolerance starts?
That seems to be happening with me ,after 4 years on Oxycontin 10 X2 and oxynorm 5 X 1 of. It only seems to occur with the nightime dose of Oxycontin.
I'm trying to find out whether changing to another form of opiate will help ( different receptors?) Or getting rid of the Contin and continuing with oxynorm 5 four times a day.?
Any thoughts from the "experienced users" out there?
I have tried potentiating with paracetamol without much success.
Hey Madlegs. Great to hear from you. Yes, from what I understand switching to Methadone or Buprenorphine would be the next step for you. From the reading I’ve done, those forms of opiates are less likely to lose effectiveness.
That's what I'm getting from my research. Although I'm unlikely to get methadone.
Thanks for that information Jimbo although it seems to apply more to the U.S. I have been on Tramadol for some years but now am finding no relief whatsoever. I am suffering symptoms night and day with hardly any sleep. I am in the process of writing a letter to my G.P. asking for temgesic and I would like to send her some official reading on the matter but Temgesic wasn’t mentioned . Do you know if there is a more current paper out from The Mayo Clinic which does address the use of Temgesic? I read some time ago that Dr. Buchfuhrer was publishing a paper about it and other opioids this year. Best wishes
Thanks Jimbo.
I know that there should be new guidelines coming out very soon which will also cover Buprenorphine/Temgesic. Dr Buchfuhrer & Dr Winkelman have both mentioned it in webinars.
Hey Jimbo. I finally have my rls dialed in but I have to be very diligent when and what med I take. I have a combination of requip, gabapentin and Ms contin ( slow release morphine.) I am nowhere without the morphine. I think it helps keep the doses of ropinerole and gabapentin low.