I was out shopping yesterday and my better half called into the Herbalist for something and while i was waiting i said jokingly to the shop assistant have you got anything to cure Restless Leg Syndrome and she said yes Magnesium with Zinc take two a day and Magnesium Lotion just rub it in when you feel it coming on i was stunned because iv'e never expected an answer and iv'e never heard or read of Magnesium doing anything for RLS,
Magnesium: I was out shopping... - Restless Legs Syn...

Some people find it helps. Regarding the type you rub in, I just find it makes me itch!
Magnesium hinders the absorption of some medication so needs to be taken several hours apart from other things.
Good luck!
I tried magnesium spray and it irritated the skin on my legs really badly. They felt itchy and felt like they were burning. I take a magnesium supplement but to be honest I’m not sure it makes any difference.
Me too, tried both spray (made me itch), tried oral supplement, neither did anything for me. Guess if you have a magnesium deficiency then perhaps there's something to be said for using it, I just felt it was yet another placebo I had wasted my money on. 😕
It is constantly referred to on this site, including how to make a cheap DIY mg lotion, baths and ,as has been mentioned above, to take it apart from other meds by at least 2 hrs.
There are many forms of mg, in general, the " ates" are deemed better.
I'm sure if you search on this site you will find all the information.
I suppose iv'e got nothing to lose by trying magnesium but i'm a bit sceptic about it
There have been threads on here about Magnesium alone and with Potassium if you search. Did they work? It may take a while to build up your magnesium levels as your body acts as a fuel tank. Good luck
Can I really see myself rubbing lotion in umpteen times a night, probably ot.
I thought magnesium is supposed to give you more energy.
Already take zinc
it can help some people , when mine is bad i do have it , it helps