Needing advice about RLS (restless legs syndrome) and operations
I had arthritis in a knee and needed a total knee replacement. Thinking of my RLS, I was concerned that I they might cause problems as they always to kick when they're hot. After the operation I'd need to keep my legs under control.
I spoke to the nurse supervising my knee replacement operation explaining that a mattress topper I had keeps my legs cool and reduces the amount of kicking. I asked if they had anything that would do this, but was told that they didn't have "any" need for such an item! I then asked if I could bring my mattress topper to use after the operation but was told "health and safety" dictated that I needed to bring the topper in for examination by the electrical department, hurriedly adding that they would not be able to do so before I'd need it!
Sure enough, after the operation it emerged that I had kicked around and in doing so, "ripped the stitches out!" I'm certain that if I'd been allowed to use the topper the extra surgery could have been avoided.
Now, nearly all the consultant surgeons I've spoken with say the situation is "very complicated". Recently I've met a surgeon who does have some positive ideas. It will involve an operation, but I am worried that I'll have another kick about.
Has anyone had any similar experiences where they found a way to keep legs cool, in line with health and safety? If so, could you let me know so I can discuss how I may be able to suggest it to him, as I'm going to need my leg kept still by using a plaster cast for 3 weeks and my legs will both get hot. I'd be grateful.