I posted a few months ago about my hideous experiences with Lyrica. The consultant at Guys has put me on Targinact. Now this drug is having a terrible effect, or seems to. At first, two months ago, it had no effect, then things improved for a few weeks, then took a nosedive. About half an hour after I take it I begin to feel RLS symptoms start. They intensify through the night to extremes. My body vaguely throbs too. During the day I not only feel exhausted but gutted. No strength. Once again I’m going on holiday on Friday but not long haul this time. I’m petrified. No appointments at my GP till the 24th. I’m thinking of trying to make a private appointment with Dr Lechziner, the consultant from Guys, but he probably won’t have time. Does anyone have suggestions, or can anyone throw light on this? I thought opioids were good for RLS. What’s happening? What should I do?
Targinact : I posted a few months ago... - Restless Legs Syn...

Oh rkatt, that is awful to hear. I feel so sorry for you but I also know that you are quite possibly one of the strongest person mentally on this planet. You have gone through so much and you have the strength to keep going. I think RLS might have gotten the better of me.
I wish you all the luck in this world. Please try getting in touch with Dr B. Perhaps, he may have a solution for you. I read in his articles that sometimes he does put people back on the failed drugs on very little doses. That might help. I might go down the same route.
The list of side effects for naloxone is pretty long. Look it up to see if it fits.
Ultram will help, not really strong pain med, but strong enough to get rid of the RL
Suffering 😢 with Drs, usually is a nightmare, since we do the suffering and the Drs do the practicing physician thing!
If you have to suffer, waiting for something to take affect, you are not doing the right thing!.
You just have to listen to the people who you trust here, to help you find something to help you.
Drs are so paranoid 😡 over the opioid crises, they are scared to give you those medecines, because the government,is waiting to pounce on them, for prescribing drugs to anyone.
RL,is not an issue, for a lot of Drs, and people suffer, unfairly!
This is the cause of the drug problem 😠 in this country today!
Drs either don't give anything that works or, they take away from you what is working and people head for the streets to find the cheapest, fastest way to get out of misery 😫!