I have been through all the meds for severe rls I have it every night and day heard targinact been licences for rls but my gp has talked to some colleagues and they all say they not heard of it being used for rls has anyone in the UK been prescribed targinact for rls please don't tell me if it worked for you or not as it can either raise your hopes or dash them so if UK doctors have given it you can you let me know so I can show the neurologist he has referred me to at long last thank you
Targinact in UK : I have been through... - Restless Legs Syn...
Targinact in UK

Here is the proof that Targinact is approved for RLS here in the UK. Maybe you could show this to your doctor.

That's the article I read Elisse. I wonder how soon GP's will be will to prescribe it!
As its been approved to use for RLS then by rights our doctors should prescribe it now.

Thanks so much for this x
Well its a strong opiate and Drs are very reluctant, (read frightened) to prescribe these substances, (fecking Misuse of Drug act). I don't know how often I went to eh GP hoping, (but not pushing as they are an egotistical bunch and like to be fully in control) for opiates as they would have dealt with the chronic pain and the RLS only for him to try and push anti-depressants - AGAIN!
Push for a referral to a pain clinic they will prescribe better.
Hi, I lost this site for a while, but am glad to be back to share with you all. My specialist in London just wrote to my doctor to confirm that Targinact is used for RLS. My dose is only 5mg but I also take mirapex.