Is there an association between statins and RLS?
Statins and RLS: Is there an... - Restless Legs Syn...
Statins and RLS

Google it.
Or search on this site.
Good luck.
I have never found a scientific paper on it - (I would like to know if there are any) - but there is an awful lot of smoke on this subject, enough to guess there must be a fire.
The question comes up on this site regularly. Believe the patient, not the package insert.
I started statins in March and haven't noticed any difference in the number of nights I suffer with RLS....Am using a cream on my legs and recently started a slow release iron tablet on a 2 month trial. I have never taken any medication for RLS as am very wary of side affects etc..
My Dad doesn't have RLS , but he said when he started on stations his legs would ache and cramp. So he takes a very small dose.
Oh, beware of muscle damage from statins that often isn't reversible. Check out Stopped Our Statins on Facebook for piles of personal experiences. My mother passed away with no leg muscles left to speak of even though she stopped the drug. That pain is the first symptom. If I had only known. And her RLS was horrendous until she stopped the stuff.