Hi, I’ve just had my results from a health check I have raised cholesterol, the Dr is suggesting I go on Statin tablets. I am taking 1100 mg of Gabapentin, any advice please.
Statins: Hi, I’ve just had my results... - Restless Legs Syn...

Your elevated cholesterol level may or may not need remedial action, whether by a change of diet or by medication such as statins or ezetimibe. Many doctors will say that LDL levels MUST be addressed and advise that statins are the only solution.
Statins are the most frequently prescribed solution, the most prescribed drug in the world, do reduce LDL cholesterol, but can bring extensive side effects, including making RLS much worse. But some RLS sufferers find statins have no or little effect on their RLS.
I've tried to be even handed in the following long post:
Nexlizet is a cholesterol lowering drug that is not a statin, but don’t know if it exacerbates RLS symptoms. Ezetimibe (Zetia) doesn't reduce cholesterol as fast as the statins, but per Chris Columbus didn't trigger RLS. FDA does show it increases RLS for some. -Triglide - seems safe. Of course the best way to reduce cholesterol is probably the hardest which is to switch to a vegan diet. My husband lowered his cholesterol from 221 to 131 by going on a vegan diet.
Thanks for the suggestion Sue.
Nexlizet is a US brand name - marked 'for US residents only' - consisting of a combination of ezetimibe with bempedoic acid.
The UK equivalent is Nustendi, a combination of the same two drugs: I'm not sure whether it's identical to Nexlizet or not. I've never been offered it - perhaps the NHS find it expensive
Ezetimibe, which I've been on for over a year, helps stop your body taking in cholesterol from food. The NHS says "It usually lowers cholesterol levels within 2 weeks." It is not usually regarded as effective as a statin.
Bempedoic acid works by reducing the production of cholesterol in the liver.
Ezetimibe does not trigger my RLS, but I'm only on 10mg/day. It does reportedly have other side effects which have never troubled me.
Nustendi - or taking the two component generic drugs together - may be a good alternative for people who cannot tolerate statins, but it too has a long list of possible side effects.
Thanks Sue and Chris, I still have some side effects from the Gabapentin I don’t want to add any more. I also read there could be muscle pain as a side effect of statins, how would I distinguish what was causing it. I think I’m going to tell Dr I’ll go down food route.
Hi...I too was put on statins with horrendous results of RLS...they wanted me on Ropinerole for that but I refused...thanks to the advice on here!..I now manage it by taking the statin earlier, well before bedtime and my magnesium 1 hour before bed...the muscle pain win statins is real too! (I'm in UK) I do hope you get this sorted and agree I'm sure there are better ways of lowering cholesterol
I notice you listed sertraline in your profile. That makes RLS worse for most people. Wellbutrin and trazodone are excellent substitutes and even helps RLS in some cases. As far as the statin, see my reply above for substitutes. Have you had your ferritin checked? Improving it to 100 or more helps 60% of people with RLS. If not ask your doctor for a full iron panel. Stop taking any iron supplements 48 hours before the test and fast after midnight. Have your test in the morning. When you get the results, ask for your ferritin and transferrin saturation (TSAT) numbers. You want your ferritin to be over 100 and your transferrin saturation to be between 20 and 45. If your ferritin is less than 100 or your transferrin saturation is not between 20 and 45 post back here and we can give you some advice. You wisely refused ropinirole. Have you tried gabapentin which is now the first line treatment for RLS?
Thank you so much for this information Sue...it was your advice that led me to refuse Ropinerole. Yes I have been recently prescribed iron but am going to request what you suggested as I have had the worst 2 weeks with RL in a long time. Its worth knowing about the Sertraline too..I'll write all these things down and go armed. Thanks again
get a new Dr, Statins (Like Lipitor) are proven bad for your health and only work in 1 out of every 500. Don’t take them.
They do help the doctor make money on you though.
Statins like Lipitor very rarely work and the side effects like muscle pain & weakness is very common and frequently make RLS worse. Don't take a Statin.
For most people exercise make RLS stop. The harder the exercise the longer your symptoms go away. Unfortunately they still come back sooner that you would like.
Thanks for your reply. I already do Aquacise 2 or 3 times a week, 45 minute sessions, my bmi is good so I was very surprised that the gp suggested Statins. I’ve already started to make tweaks to my diet - plant based spread instead of butter, more fibre and cakes as a treat only.