As I have mentioned before I have Small Fibre Neuropathy as well as RLS and as a consequence have several medications all familiar to people with RLS. I take Pregabelin, primarily for the SFN pain and also Tramulief which was given to see if it helped with the pain but helped manage RLS. Finally I use a 2mg Neupro patch. For the most part RLS is under control. Last night though I had a very disturbing experience. I woke about 4.30 for the loo then tried to settle down for a bit more sleep. I do find that if I try to sleep on my side I have spasms. My body sort of arcs with my knees coming to my chest so I lie on my back. Usually I nod off a bit and get up around 6.00. SFN pain. This morning though the spasms happened as soon as I tried to nod off and finally about 5.30 a severe one got me up. I fear augmentation is occurring but if it is I have no idea what to do. I don’t see the neurologist again until next March
Spasm?: As I have mentioned before I... - Restless Legs Syn...

I really hope it isn't augmentation Martino. Did you take another DA before the Neupro patch? Did you augment on that?
If it is augmentation, you could always try reducing the patch slowly with the help of your GP. You wouldn't have to wait to see the neurologist. You could ask for tramadol or oxycontin just to get through withdrawal and you could then rely on the pregabalin alone or add a small dose of opioid.
However, you need to establish whether it is indeed augmentation first. Read all the articles and watch the video and see if it applies.
also, get a full blood count as your iron might have dropped and raising ferritin and iron levels can also alleviate augmentation.
Hi Martino, I too have experienced spasms similar to what you describe. On occasion they have been what I would describe as violent and painful, like a cramp and my muscles have locked. This has happened in both legs and arms. It is quite alarming!
I have attributed this to RLS rather than anything else, which I hope you find reassuring.
I suggest you follow what Jools says.

Thanks Manerva. What did you do to stop the spasms? As I said I can usually nod off again lying on my back but the restlessness overcame me and I had to get up. I will look at the articles on augmentation again so that I am properly clued up
They've always been at their worst when I forgot to take my Pramipexole. I usually took it belatedly but generally, I had to get up and do something. Doing something always relieved them.
I started on Gabapentin last August, (for nerve pain not RLS), I didn't realise at that time that Gabapentin could be used for RLS as well. When I realised that it could, I started weaning off the Pramipexole and I haven't had any major spasms since, plus sleeping better.
Hi, I am not on meds. Each night I take Zinc, Magnesium and Iron. Right before I’m about to go to sleep I rub cbd oil on my legs. This has helped for the last couple of months...
Can you not change your appointment to have it a lot sooner
the NHS is free though - Ive always used the NHS
Hi Martino Oh I see I do apologise for misunderstanding what you were saying