About 4 months ago I began to take iron tabs (prescribed) and at the same time I stopped drinking alcohol altogether. I was overjoyed because my really severe RLS seemed so much better that I could actually watch T.V without constantly getting up and also I was able to get some sleep. The RLS didn 't go away completely but I could cope with what was left. However this last week or two have been a nightmare . RLS is back almost worse than it was before and I'm teetotal now. What can I do? I have tried all the meds going and they either didn't work or made me ill. I have been on 4 tabs of Tramadol for about 2 years but that isn't helping now. I want to see my Dr. but I have to tell her what to give me because she admits she knows nothing about RLS and I don't know now what to ask her for.. Is there anything else out there? If I e-mailed Dr Buchfurer do you think he might help me? Thanks in advance
RLS back again: About 4 months ago I... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS back again

Has anything changed in the last 2 weeks? Have you started taking any OTC meds like anti histamines or cough medicines? I can only think that something has triggered the change.
However, bear in mind that tramadol can cause augmentation ( it seems to be the only opioid that does this).
I'm sorry to hear this. As Jools says it may be that something that's happened in the last couple of weeks which may have triggered your RLS.
I'm sure Dr B will offer some good advice and you could also ask your doctor (GP?) to refer you to a specialist neurologist., although unfortunately, if you're in the UK that could be a long long wait unless you see one privately.
For refractory RLS, (i.e. where nothing else works) opiates may work, but as the Tramadol is no longerworking, you may need to change to another. That's where the neuroloigist comes in.
A doctor who doesnt know anything about RLS???? HOW STRANGE!!!! They should know about virtually all conditions When I first had it I went to my doctor & described it in detail & he then confirmed RLS
My doctor prescribed me special cream which wouldnt be for everyone because of everyone's skin being different & dangers of skin reactions but it works for me & it calms it very well & I get a whole nights sleep
Hope you find a solution that suits you & you get better sleep
Does the cream work? Do you mind sharing what it’s called? The only topical I’ve heard of for this is magnesium oil, (which doesn’t help me at all😕).
I agree with Manerva. Opiates work for me but tolerance occurs so I have to rotate them. Like you at the moment Tramadol has stopped working for me.I should be able to return to it in about 3 months. My gp has prescribed Codeine also for RLS so you may be able to get a other opiate too.Good luck.x
Just a thought, but if iron tabs and cutting out alcohol seemed to help initially - and you're still abstaining from the alcohol - I wonder if anything's changed with the iron. Are you still taking the iron and do you know your ferritin level? I wonder whether you got it up, but it's now dipped below a level that works for you? May be worth checking.
Hi, I am prescribed Pramipexole 0.125mg x 4 to take in the evening. They are working for me regarding my RLS.
Hi Thanks for your reply. I have tried all those sort of drugs and they either made me ill or didn't work.
According to advice I received on this site, I take iron supplements only every OTHER night...something about it tricking your body into accepting it. But I only take otc iron so not sure it would be advisable for prescribed iron. It works for me so might be worth a thought.
Hi bedith6,
I too am taking Tramadol and was taking 4tablets, but am now down to 2.
People on this site have said that Tramadol can cause augmentation and I think that’s true, so I am trying to get off them or at least down to 1 tablet. I take Pregabalin 300mg and 100mg Tramadol which sometimes work but sometimes not. I have recently seen a different GP who after me telling her I have had rls for 25 years proceeded to ask what my symptoms are, and then agreed, yes it sounded as if I had rls. Words nearly failed me!
Needless to say I will try to avoid seeing her in future.
Good luck with your iron treatment and I hope you get some relief soon from this awful condition.