My daughter is 19 and we have noticed her sudden jerks (usually her head/shoulders)for over 4 years. Last year she went to the doctor because she was feeling very tired constnatly. After blood tests she was given iron. This was taken for 6 months and more tests done. this time they mentioned ferritine levels and more iron tablets for 6 mths. She is going for more bloods this week and I stumbled across rls.
She says she has difficulty sleeping, is constantly tired, gets swollen and sore eye lids but eats a good and balanced diet.
Could she be suffering with rls as a result of her low ferritine levels and is it common for the jerks to be in other parts of the body other than the legs. Any help or advice would be gratefully received.
She has been on iron tablets for 12 months now and her ferritine levels are still low so we need to get to the bottom of this - they have suggested crohns and celiac as possibilities.
I have only just realised that the jerks she has could be rls - and that this could be related to the lack of iron.
Just really wanted to know if anyone suffers with rls in arms/shoulders/neck as she doesn't really jerk her legs