The soap under the sheet was working for approximately 7 months. It lost the strength and had to change it out every 4-5 weeks, but now I’m having to change it every 3 days, it’s slowly loosing its strength. Does anyone have any other ideas on what to use for RL? I have tried prescriptions and they don’t help. I’m frantic just thinking I will have no relief.
Restless leg: The soap under the sheet... - Restless Legs Syn...
Restless leg

Hello! Have you tried compression stockings? They are my go-to remedy for when my movements are less severe. I also use magnesium oil and a homeopathic cream called Relaxing Leg Cream from Magnilife. I find hot showers before bed beneficial, as well as using a hand-held heated massager.
I hope this helps!
You have see us talk about Nightshades on here, haven't you? That's one suggestion.. another one is Dr Teal's moisturizing bath & body oil. It has Epsom salt in it. It works on my RLS.
Thank you so much I will try the stockings.
There is the usual things that are often suggested on here that you could do to help identify the factors affecting your RLS. This could be getting your serum Ferritin tested, as well as Vit B12, folate and if you have symptoms, your thyroid function. You could also check for triggers e.g. are you taking any other medications which might be making it worse, e.g. anti-histamines, antidepressants, some indigestion remedies.
I too hear that bathing in Epsom.salts is good, although be careful not to swallow any!
I have no idea how soap in the bed works, so have no idea why it should stop working. Do you always use the same brand and scent?
Although you mention"prescriptions" not working, I wonder what you have been presribed. Some doctors try all sorts of stuff, whereas there are medications which are generally recommended as working for most people.
Soap works via the placebo effect. I washed in soap until my 20's when I switched to shower gel - I've had bad RLS my entire life.
I find it insulting when a b*****d of a condition like RLS is demeaned by suggesting soap in bed works - tell a cancer victim to sleep with shampoo under their pillow and forgo any proper treatment, see if they are happy with that advice!
Don't get me wrong - if soap works GREAT, I am delighted for you, but you could get the same effect with a telephone, bar of gold, 2lb bag of sugar or some dried dung from a Himalayan Yak that has developed an anxiety disorder and is currently selling its excrement in order to fund CBT - they will all work on the same principle and be as effective as soap, (although I think getting the Yak dung would be so difficult that a higher degree of belief will be put in its ability and therefore produce a better effect).
Can you get yak dung on Ebay?
I hope you didn't think that I, Manerva, actually believe that a bar of soap would work. I was just being sensitive and didn't want to disillusion Swimmer2, who's just run out of Placebo, (as well as the right sort of soap).
Sorry Swimmer2 the truth is out.
To go one better, there is no soap anywhere in my house. One person rubs their germs on the soap, the next person rubs them off. I believe in sharing, except when it comes to infections.
I use shower gel and handwash from a dispenser!
I know somebody called Yak, but not well enough to ask him about his bowel habits!

You poor delusional thing I could care less what you believe or what you bathe with!
Mo way Manerva, I've read to many of your posts to believe that.
I think I'd pass on the asking Yak for his waste, (I assume with a name like Yak its a bloke), the soap might be better in that case!!
I did read an article about the benefits of soap for RLS, it was written by someone who sold specially designed soap that fitted better in your bed - I sh1t you not! I think he also claimed the scent molecules were better and more effective! There is always some crook ready to capitalise on the suffering of other

Use sugar if that’s what you want! Don’t try to undermine what people are saying or asking, to each his own?
As I said -it works I am not denying your results all I did was point out how it works AND that FOR ME it is insulting ot suggest a clinical condition which has driven people to contemplate and possibly carry out suicide is treated with soap.
You may keep your hostility for someone who is attacking you. Your response shows the ephemeral nature of the 'health benefits' of soap. I suggest you listen to the good advice of manerva, (as always), and maybe, if you don't want to go down the. drug route you might find help here:
See I can be helpful even if you chose to be nasty, its much easier to live that way - peace and love swimmer2

Soap and suicide?
Yeah I've been on the verge of suicide - RLS all over my body for 20+ hours a day for 8/9 months - I couldn't think straight, eat or rest and at that time I would have thumped, (if I were able to get up) any one who suggested soap would cure that.
There have also been posts on here of people who have said they have had enough and were going to kill themselves - I never got a reply from him so who knows if he went through with it.
I would suggest your RLS is at the milder end of the range if soap can help it so the link above should be able to help you, (along with Manerva's advice), keep a lid on things.
As said I take RLS and its treatment seriously and have a real hate of the soap thing as it is a throw away comment made by those who don't know how to help us. The fact that some people get relief via placebo only adds to the misinformation around soap and detracts from us getting proper help - hence my, and many others on here, dislike of soap.
As said though - if it works for you great keep on with it and there should be no need to get vexed by those who disagree with your treatment method - I use cannabis at times and there are plenty on here that think it is dangerous and no good - you ain't going to see me give two flying f**ks about that as I am content in the knowledge of the efficacy of my treatment modality.

I do agree with you on the "soap" issue. I've also found it offensive that anyone would even suggest such a ridiculous thing to help such an awful condition. There is no way a bar of soap under your sheets can help ( in my humble opinion anyway). It is just plain disrespectful to us unfortunate sufferers of this disorder to even suggest such a thing.
I've often wondered just how a bar of soap under the sheets can help with RLS. It does sound silly but I tried it and it did absolutely nothing for my restless legs.
Sorry you were apparently upset by comments posted by Raffs and myself.
As explanation, you may be new to this forum and may not have realised that NOT all comments in a thread you start are directed at you personally . If you look you will see above Raffs comment it shows an arrow then Manerva. This means Raffs was replying to ME, not you.
Above my next comment it shows an arrow then Raffs, meaning I was replying to Raffs, not you.
I interpreted the exchange between Raffs and myself as banter and apologise if you interpreted it differently.