I have severe RLS. I took Mirapex for 7 years but experienced augmentation. So, for the last 4 years, I have not taken anything. I had to retire early because of the lack of sleep due to the RLS. I developed a yeast infection and was given nystatin which is an antifungal medication. My restless legs went crazy so I quit taking the nystatin and now the yeast infection is back with a vengeance. Any suggestions? Thank you. Mary Ann
RLS and medications: I have severe RLS... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS and medications

Do you still have RLS? Have you asked for a different anti fungal medicine?
Hi, I think it's really sad that you seem to have lacked appropriate help and support with your RLS which has had such a significant impact on your life. I note you say you don't take anything and possibly haven't tried anything else.
If this is so, I wonder if this is because you are afraid of experiencing augmentation again or simply because you didn't know or weren't told there are alternatives to Dopamine agonists, like Mirapex for RLS.
Yet you have a neurologist?
As for the yeast infection, there are also alternatives. I believe there are remedies that are applied locally, so don't get into your circulation hence shouldn't affect your RLS.
A good pharmacist could advise you.
I also vaguely recall that yeast infections may also respond to pH changes.
A quick "Google" brings up quite a few natural possibilities.
I hope you get more suggestions from the good folks on this site about managing your RLS.
Hi, I sympathise with your situation. I have RLS and was affected by augmentation after I forget which drug.
I have eventually found something that works for me. I take 15mgs of Longtec twice a day and I can now sleep/lie in bed/ watch a film at the cinema. My life has been transformed.
You will find resistance from GPs to prescribe this drug. Refer them to recent studies on the RLS Foundation website.
The very best of luck. Nobody should have to put up with this tortuous condition. Let me know how you get on.
Jane x
Thank you$
What’s augmentation
Augmentation happens with some of the dopamine agonists drugs...eventually they make your symptoms worse and getting off of them is hell. I would never take those meds again and can’t because of the augmentation. Once that happens you can’t go back.? Sadly the only other treatments are narcotics and my doc will not prescribe
Try taking CBD oil that is the only thing I take for rls it might take a day or so to get into your system it works for me