You may have heard of the term 'Augmentation' but you may not know what it means.
Learn more about (and discuss) Augmen... - Restless Legs Syn...
Learn more about (and discuss) Augmentation here...

The following article on Augmentation by Dr Mark Buchfuhrer is one of the best RLS-UK have read:

A thread on Augmentation from a member of the forum:
Thank you for both articles on augmentation.
Very informative.
I was suposed to be weaning off my neupro (hate being on it...RLS is horrenduous even with the drug so it is no use at all .... So I have 2 problems - Neupro And RSL) but due to slow recovery of a recent leg injury have been advised to wait until limb is fully recovered. Hoping to start the 'adventure' now by May latest.
Fed up at the RSL has become uncontrollable. It is like being part of an engine that someonebelse is in control of......but you all know what I am talling about.
BTW I live in Ireland where RLS seems to be as rare as a snow in August. Feeling a bit 'precious' because no-one I know understands my problem. Very lonely at night so thanks to you all for your posts.
Hi Cottie, you may be interested to hear that we are exploring the opportunity of supporting the development of an Irish support group. Watch this space....!
As hard as it is hang in there Cottie. I finished my last mirapex in early March & am now suffering DAWS. Take your strength & support from the great people here. I’ve posted several times either as zbirth1 or siennasGram if you want to read my experiences. Take it day by day & sometimes minute by minute but this too will eventually pass ( altho not fast enough 😏) keep us posted 😻
I have been on requip for about 8 years. It augmented within 6 months and I’ve had to keep upping the dosage. My doctor at the time said that it was normal to need more as my body just had to adjust to what it needed! I didn’t know about augmentation til recently. Drs tried to switch me to gabapentin and lyrica -both failed. Went back on requip. Wish I hadn’t. I’ve weaned myself down from 4 tablets to 1/2. I manage about 4 hours sleep with a clean diet and supplements-but my biggest issue is constant dizziness. Most days I’m dizzy to the point that it definitely affects my quality of life. I know chronicle sleep deprivation can play a role-but could DAWS play a role in it as well?? It’s been going on daily for over 3 months now since I began tapering the requip.
I would like to add this link to the most recent paper from the Internation RLS Study Group (IRLSSG) on first-line treatment of RLS and also -importantly! - on treatment of augmentation. This is the official recommendation, aimed at all RLS sufferers and their doctors. I felt this was an important ‘missing link’ in this pinned post.
Please realise that this paper is built on not only a lot of research, but also on a huge lot of experience from several of the authors that are also practising RLS doctors. However, do also realise that most people on this forum get here in the first place because their RLS is not mild and/or they go through augmentation. Still, I feel it is wise to read the whole content of this paper with full attention and to request the same of your doctor, especially if you have trouble getting her/his full support.
Does augmentation happen with Roprinirole XL ? I've searched everywhere and cannot find that the extended release version is used for RLS.
I am currently on both Ropinirole and Ropinirole XL and am augmenting. I take 1 mg of the regular and 2mg of the XL. My Dr put me on Gabapentin a year or so ago and I weaned off of 1 mg of the Reg Ropinirole, but she doesn’t want me to drop off anymore yet as I am also on meds for seizures. She doesn’t want to mess with my sleep, which is presently undisturbed...mostly. The augmentation is more of a problem for me in the afternoon and early evening prior to taking my meds. The addition of Gabapentin was a Godsend, I must say. It has given me back my sleep...mostly (I say this, as the RLS likes to rear its ugly head occasionally).
Told a few about this : Try lithium orotate...must be orotate form...and dont eat late of take anything sweet.I can give more details if you want.