Has anybody out there tried taking CBD oil for RLS? It has had very good reviews for a whole bunch of other problems. There is a drug called Epidiolex that is prescribed for Epilepsy which is cannabis based. Also available in Holland there is CBD oil containing THC which might be more effective. Availability in this country is by prescription only I think.
Maraijuana / Cannabis ?: Has anybody... - Restless Legs Syn...
Maraijuana / Cannabis ?

HI, I have tried it but it does nothing to my rls but it did help my fibro pain some. I use a cbd cream for pain on my skin and I do sometimes rub it on my feet and leg ( I have it mostly in my R leg but the other was involved at first, now its down to mostly one leg) when I first start to get the weird nerve sensitivity from the rls ( I can't even touch my feet or sometimes my leg because I can't stand the feeling its so sensitive, doesn't hurt but the nerves are saying no go away don't touch me! lol) and it helps somewhat but doesnt stop it just makes it not as painful ( it didn't start out painful but has changed in the last 6 months so at times my legs both will ache like hell along with the rls feelings but not always) I also have a tintcture thats 1000 mg of cdb and 35 mg of thc I take at night and it does help relax you some but the rls will ruin that! I was taking it for fibro and when I was going thru withdrawal from methadone because my stupid doc took me off it after 18 years because the.." opiate crisis" I'm still so pissed over this. thank god I found Kratom and it works better for my pain than any pain med and stops the rls at night It just doesn't work for very long is all and t can get expensive when using t all the time. anywhere from 2 hours to all night. Just haven't figured out yet why it works some nights and not others. Anyways, I also have some pure thc resin that will get you higher than a kite but does nothing for my pain of rls. I tried it one time... never again. I hate the feeling of being high ( I still can't figure out why I liked smoking t in my younger years because I hate it now!) so no t doesn't work for rls
If you don't like the feeling of being high then, and I know this sounds a bit mad, you aren't smoking enough!
I had been using it daily for months on end and although I still got the pain and restlessness relief I didn't notice any stoned feeling.
If I had a break, (unfortunately no dispensaries around these parts ), when I got it again I got high, got the munchies and enjoyed music that bit more. After a few days or a week of regular smoking the munchies disappeared along with the high. Good if you want to function and for the waistline, not so good for tolerating TV

No, lol It wasn't the problem of not taking enough it was too much. first, it was pure thc resin and I was told to take a piece the size of a rice grain.. well I forgot and took half the size of a pea so like 4x or more than I should have lol duh. I was so high I couldn't follow the rachel maddow show on tv, lol all I could do is lay there super paranoid and hoped no one came to my door or called. No, this stuff was really really strong. And before I had RLS I smoked some after my family bugging me to try it for pain again. I had a hot tub then so I sat in there and smoked some and nope.. made me feel the pain more and I felt paranoid and didn't want to be around anyone ( its weird I never felt that all the years I smoked in my 20's until my early 30's I started to kinda feel like that and didn't like it so didn't smoke anymore) but from what I have read it doesn't always work for everyone for pain but for some works great for pain. I wish it did work for me its legal here and I can buy it right down the road, it's where I buy m CBD creams.
If it really worked I'd proably do it a few times until I got used to it but I discovered Kratom and that really works! People take it for all kinds of pain and for rls. I actually was able to sleep all night last night! some nights I wake up around 2 or 3 and have to take more but last night I was blessed and it didn't wake me up, but my dogs did lol damn dogs.. they are old and need to get up in the middle of the night to pee now but then so do I, lol. anyways if you're in the US ck out kratom and see if your in a state where its legal. go to KratomAsso.org I think it is for more info. It also gives you energy and can help focus your brain and more!. I love it I actually feel normal again! ( as far as fibro pain) I never thought I'd ever actually feel like I used to with the same amount of energy and not have pain all the time. Even the methadone didn't kill all of it, just took the edge off. this stuff..NO PAIN PERIOD! its wonderful they have some kratom threads on reddit so you can read a lot about it there and how its helped people, also peopel with RLS.
Yeah too much cannabis is a real b1tch! I have miss dosed in the past and was so paranoid I had to turn the TV off as the comedians were laughing at me - no joking matter!!
Cannabis if harvested early can cause increased paranoia as can Sativia as opposed to Indica strains. If you can get them a heavy Indica grown to the right time, (I imagine big drug gangs would harvest earlier so as to minimise getting caught and maximising profits leaving it not the best source of Cannabis), is the best bet and if you can find it grown by a kindly friend/neighbour/man down the pub you are more likely to get properly grown and harvested stuff.
The oils are much harder to dose than smoking which is why despite trying oils and edibles I've stuck to smoking despite the horrid taste and having to wash my teeth, face and hands and douse myself with aftershave while avoiding the kids til the smell dies down, (although some days avoiding the kids is one of the better sides of it ).
The only good thing I'll say about a Cannabis overdose is that it is a lot easier to survive than an opioid one!
There is NO oil in Holland and Barrett containing THC - that will help us. It sates on one oil that there is less than 0.05% THC to comply with laws and I'd imagine there is less than that. If the link below is right the oil is extracted from Industrial Hemp and therefore of a lower class than CBD oil extracted from Cannabis Indica/Sativa.
Save your money and throw a few seeds in the ground or find someone with proper cannabis - that WILL work on our RLS as many here have found.
I tried CBD oil from CBDbrothers but found it of little to no use and the little benefit I experienced could easily have been placebo as I was desperate for it to work. I have used proper cannabis regularly in the past, thankfully I don't need to at present, and it worked great - a few puffs and pain and restlessness receded, a few more puffs and it was gone. I was then able to get up and do household chores I had been to sore to do!
Thanks for the replies and info and advice.
As I can't buy marijuana here in the UK, I have done the next obvious thing and bought some seeds to grow my own. It is legal to sell and buy marijuana seeds here - but not to grow them! (I even paid VAT on them!).
Now my next question is, as I don't smoke, nor want to start, does anybody out there know of a way to obtain the CBD/THC oils from the harvested plants?
You can extract the cannabinoids using a high strength alcohol - 90% proof. Isoprolol is a good solvent for this too. Care needed when evaporating off the alcohol.
Plenty of guides online.

Thanks raffs. Do you do this, and do know of any specific sites?
Youtube has them and Rick Simpson is the Granddaddy of them all:

Thanks again raffs. Great site with really interesting videos on, I'll certainly follow his method when the time comes.
A thought that occurred to me though, is would making tea from the buds or leaves work?
Hi raffs,
Just checked the price of Benzine (the solvent). £65.00 ( $85.00) for 1 litre!! which makes his method really expensive.
Try isopropyl alcohol or failing that 90% and above grain alcohol. Both a lot cheaper. Also you can reuse the solvent if you are able to get a small stlll going.
Cannabis is fat soluble and would need fat or alcohol to bind to the cannabis to make it orally active. Just putting cannabis in hot water will give you chlorophyll tea and wasted cannabis.

Raffs, I notice that he refers to using 'Buds' , is this the American term for the 'Flowers' ? Also, he doesn't mention the leaves; what can be done with these, apart from drying them to smoke?
Thanks for your advise.
Cannabis leaf is low in THC, I am not sure about the other cannabinoids. It is not as far as I know smoked but can be added into making oil and butter - waste not want not sort of approach.
Yeah, our American brothers and sisters call the bud bud
flowers/bud are all the one.

I thought that 'Grass' that was smoked was the dried leaves.How do you make the oil or butter from them?
No 'grass' is cannabis bud. Hash is the tricomes - the bits that contain the cannabinoids however most hash is pure crap and should be avoided its normally called soapbar:
Oil is the extracted tricomes in cooking oil or alcohol. There are umpteen guides online and a few will need to be watched along with some reading. If using alcohol the process gets a bit dangerous but if done correctly is safe. The link to Rick Simpson above should be a good starting point.
Hi Barnaby,
I did the same as you and grew my own. It feels quite empowering but be prepared that your house will smell strongly of cannabis when the plants get more mature (long before they are ready to harvest).
I extract the goodies by first curing the buds, once harvested, then decarboxylating them in the oven (basically cooking them at a low temperature for about 20 minutes - I bought a thermometer to make sure I got the correct temp). The next step is to steep the decarboxylated product in butter or oil overnight in a slow cooker (or a low cooker on very low). Once strained, this creates an edible product which you can melt into a tea or bake into cookies. In my case I mix it direct into a Hazelnut and Cocoa spread that I buy from Wyldsson online and spoon it into myself when required. Taken as an edible, cannabis takes about an hour to take effect but it last much longer than if smoked - at least 4 hours.
It is advisable to go easy when starting off to ensure you don't end up over-dosing which, as Raffs points out, is not a pleasant experience although a cousin of mine who is a specialist emergency room doctor in LA says that they have never had a recorded case of someone coming to any long term harm from cannabis overdose - unlike opiates or opioids where there are regular deaths.
Good luck with your growing experiment.
Just checked out isopropyl alcohol on Amazon and it's around £18.00 ($24.00) for 5 litres delv. A lot cheaper and affordable.Thanks.
I think that's where I got mine. Make sure you have a rice cooker and a fan. If you need any help I can advise, PM me any time.
Thanks raff.
A little way to go yet as Iv'e only just planted the seeds, ('CBD Auto White Widow' bought from a online shop in Polegate, Sx), but will check out with you when it's time to harvest just to make sure I'm doing the right thing as it's my first time at it.
An update on my attempt to grow cannabis plants. The 6 seeds that I planted grew into plants about 2 ft high indoors; I then planted out them out into larger plots in the garden by a sun facing wall. Unfortunately they all turned brown and died over the summer months - a real waste of time and money, but worth a shot.
I see that Provacan is selling 12% CBD oil for £70: has anybody tried it?
My 3mg Neupro patches have become less effective, and so now I have cut them down to half and I'm taking 50mg Pregabalin which is better, but does not completely stop the RLS. I aim to drop the patches and ask my doctor if I can increase my dose to 100mg. Does anyone know if it will take as long to work as it did when I first started taking Preabalin?