Just put on neuprò. Supposed to be better than requip and mirapex I'll let you know how it works very expensive but your insurance pays quite a bit of it and you can get a coupon that takes it don't even way further
Rls med: Just put on neuprò. Supposed... - Restless Legs Syn...
Rls med

I hope it works for you! I’ve been on Neupro for the past several months and it’s doing a pretty good job.

Thank you it didn't though
It works for me. I take four 0.5 a day.
Neupro is in patch form are you mixing it up with something else?
Be careful with that dose of mirapex. It is 8 times the current recommended upper limit. You should look out for side effects such as sudden onset sleep in the daytime and impulse control disorder such as gambling or shopping. It is very likely that you will find your symptoms augmented at that dose also. Make sure your serum ferritin is high.
thank you for your concern. I too am worried about the mirpex after reading testimonials on here. I decided not to take it. I am taking two 325 hydrocodone instead. My ferritin level is extremely low. they have been working on it for 9 month and only raised it 10 points. its 17 now. I am so tired of being tired.
what does augmenting mean
This link explains Augmentation excellently.
It's not recommended to stop it all at once. It is better to gradually reduce the dose. Once you get down to the point where you can eliminate the drug your rls will most likely get a whole lot worse with little or no sleep possible for about 10 to 14 days. Nothing will help with these worsened symptoms other than an opioid such as tramadol or oxycodone. Hydrocodone might help a bit.
Augmentation is a process where the dopamine agonist drug (mirapex in your case) effectively starts to feed the condition and makes every thing worse. Symptoms come on earlier in the day, they are more intense and/or they spread to different parts of the body such as arms and trunk. Increasing the dose results in only a temporary improvement and then the symptoms outstrip the increased dose and so it goes on. The only option is to eliminate the dopamine agonist and stay off it for at least a few months.
If you put 'augmentation' into the search bar you'll get loads of information about it.
Good luck.
I only took it once
Sorry, rsears, I was getting mixed up between your posts and that of soren. You won't be in any danger of augmentation from one dose of mirapex.
Are you taking any other medication given that the neupro didn't help?
I am taking mipex works like a charm. it has also put me 1600 dollars in debt and waiting obssessivly to spend another 1300 on musical instruments and supplys. I got the ocd for shopping I am throwing them away tonight
That is quite a dramatic reaction so early into the treatment. Could you say what dose you were on?
Be careful coming off mirapexin too rapidly. It is better to reduce gradually.
I hope you find a satisfactory alternative for your rls.
Involuntary dancer I ran across this Old Post and I think my excessive spending was not part of mirapex at all I was diagnosed just a week ago as having bipolar so after crying and wanting to throw up I got medicine for my psychiatrist of Fetzima and lithium. Being your pics still is working like a charm my dose I know you asked me was 0.75 mg they have down here one tablet 3 times a day but I just take three of them before bed just wanted to catch you up since you were so very kind and trying to help me
Thank you
Thank you for your update and lovely comments. It's a lot to take on board to get a diagnosis of bipolar but hopefully the new meds will help you a lot. I am glad the mirapex is still working. Be aware that 0.75mg is not a low dose . I think 0.25mg is the recommended upper limit now. In your shoes I wouldn't increase that dose at all and if it ceases to be so effective you might consider looking for an alternative treatment - although hopefully that will be a long way off. I definitely wouldn't go to a higher dose. Good luck.
Really hope it works for you and you get some good results and rest of course lol , i was on it a few year back worked great for couple weeks then all hell broke lose
Be careful with any dopamine agonist, because augmentation is pure hell!
The new text is working like a charm I had to take three pills before I go to bed and the Dos is 0.75