Hi everyone. I’ve had RLS since I was a baby. Grew up being told it was all in my head.
Triggers: Bananas, antihistamines (allergy meds), cheese is the worst, all dairy, anticholingerics (NyQuil, sleeping pills), melatonin, winter season, room is too hot, small amounts of alcohol, being dehydrated, leg workouts, ropinrole, naps!!, oversleeping, under-sleeping, my period, stress, sleeping with a heavy blanket.. or maybe because I need to kick my legs and restricted with such, diarrhea (maybe bc of dehydration)? I have a sensitive stomach if my poo comes out as liquid or has leftover fat I know my legs will be kicking that night
Help: massaging my feet every night, put legs up against a wall, magnesium, slow release iron two times a day, set sleep schedule, leg stretches every night. Substitute probiotics since I can’t eat yogurt. If my legs feel kicky I’ll massage my calf muscle in a “vibrating motion” loosening the muscle, orgasms, weed, opioids.. being intoxicated on alcohol
I never liked the psychoactive effects of weed but I will admit I slept the best when I did use it and my legs never kicked. I’m going to explore into CBD oil for a better nights sleep as well.