Greetings, all. This is my first posting to this site, although I have been following it for some time. First, I want to thank everyone who has posted here – and particular thanks to Raffs and others with broad experience who have generously shared their knowledge. Although I wouldn't wish this condition on anybody, it's so validating and comforting to know that I'm not alone in my struggle with RLS.
My brief story: I started getting RLS intermittently in my mid-fifties, and by the time I reached early 60’s, it had become a full-blown and almost round-the-clock problem. Eventually I ended up on 25 milligrams of oxycodone daily, plus the maximum dose of pramipexole and gabapentin. Even with all of that, it was a frustrating existence. My heart goes out to Lonely7 and others. I really hear you and the hellish existence that this condition can cause.
Once I reached the max dose of gabapentin, I started to have disturbing side effects (including losing my physical balance and memory loss), so I started to titrate back down on that. It was then that I discovered what the doctor didn’t tell me when prescribing those meds – that they can be very difficult to get off of once you’re on them. I started with the gabapentin and eventually got off of that, with some difficulty. Then I started titrating back off the pramipexole, and that withdrawal was the worst I’ve ever experienced, including terrible insomnia every time I down-shifted the dose.
Then, I found this forum and read your many helpful posts, including quite a number of kratom recommendations. I found a trustworthy vendor (thanks in part to a recommendation posted here), and wow! What a difference! Within a few hours of my first kratom dose, all of my symptoms were gone. In addition, I was able to drop all of the meds I was taking – including the 25 mg. of oxycodone I had been taking daily for several years – in one day with no withdrawal effects. The transformation for me was, and continues to be, amazing. I got my life back. My wife noticed the difference instantly, as I had become pretty touchy and snippy over the years as a result of the constant RLS tension. I’m extremely grateful for both the recommendation and the availability of this amazing plant.
Of course, kratom isn’t a cure per se, but an effective way of controlling symptoms, and I’m still digging for the ultimate cause of my RLS and how to resolve it. I’ve come to believe that RLS is a symptom of something else amiss, rather than an end-thing in itself, which would help explain why what works for one won’t necessarily work for another, and I appreciate that there are lots of different solution possibilities posted on this forum for people to consider. I’d like to add two more that may be of benefit. First, I’m seeing a Chinese medical doctor for acupuncture for RLS. As you may know, Chinese medicine looks at health and the body very differently from western medicine, and she was able to explain the source of my condition from a Chinese medicine perspective. She commented that my RLS condition is a difficult one to alter, and she warned me that it would likely take a while. But I’m in this for the long-haul, and am hopeful that continued acupuncture treatments will re-balance the imbalance that she suggests is causing my RLS.
The second approach that I’m doing simultaneously is working with a doctor who is a specialist in bioenergetic medicine using electrodermal biofeedback – a methodology based on decades of German research in electrodermal screening. Using sophisticated measuring equipment, the doctor is able to zero in on what is causing the RLS and then prescribe a combination of supplements and homeopathy to bring one’s body back into a healthy state. This approach is little-known in the United States, but I understand that there are thousands of practitioners in Europe (and Germany in particular) and that this approach is widely accepted there. I understand they tried to introduce it in the US years ago, but got a lot of push-back from the medical establishment, so they finally more or less gave up. I have the good fortune of being within visiting distance of a doctor with over 25 years of experience and training in this field; perhaps one of the few left in the US. So, I’m following his protocol as well, and we’ll see how it goes. I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks again to everyone for all of the wonderful support on this site.