Gabapentin promethazine and lipitor are new meds i took yesterday, had the worst RL ever, please can you tell me which of these are affecting it
terrible night/different medicine - Restless Legs Syn...
terrible night/different medicine

The Gaba is ok.
But the other two are noted rls antagonists.
Promethazine is an antihistamine and lipitor has a history of setting up rls.
You need to get back to your doctor and tell her this.
Has a list of meds to avoid for rls.
Good luck.
Diabetes (type2 ) can be reversed through diet.
Claritin is an ok antihistamine.
As usual Madlegs1 has the problem sorted
Be very careful about what your Dr prescribes - they know f*&k all about RLS and if (s)he gave you lipator before advising change of diet and exercise then they know f*&k all about health either, (or need their golfing holiday from the drug company).
Good luck.

I know this is quite a serious thing, but you made me giggle so much, and it feels good, thank you fr prompt reply taking Madlegs advice
Glad you had a giggle, have a good snoop round the forum there are a few good laughs to be had and they are great medication in themselves.
Can I suggest a vegan diet? I have had RLS since before I can remember and so bad that it has been up into my back and arms. I have sat nights trying to raise the courage to kill myself but now since going vegan I have stopped the Neupro patch and tramadol and will in time stop my Targinact, (although I have separate pain issues) my body is quiet.
For the first time in my life without plying myself with drugs my body is not at war with itself. I can sit and watch TV snuggled up beside my wife instead of doing squats and pacing around the room - man is it sweet. Stopping the drugs has cleared my mind too so life is good. Please PLEASE consider it.
I had set aside a month as a testing period figured if it wasn't doing anything I'd go back to my usual diet. But after a couple of weeks things had such a remarkable improvement I will be staying on it for a lot longer. I had some chocolate and icecream on st Patrick's day and things got shitty very quickly. Thankfully things have quietened down again. Imagine no more pacing no more wriggling no more intense pain and discomfort - all you have to do is alter your diet. I had started reducing my drugs while going vegan so by rights things should have been getting much worse instead of much better.
I have been telling a few people with health issues about my experience and advising a trial of veganism yet each one has said no I am getting tablets from the Dr and that is the method I am using!! So instead of getting rid of problem at source they are trying to correct it with drugs which in themselves are causing more problems!!! We have been hoodwinked into believing we need pills from the Dr's when that should be our final option.
Try it and see. All the best.
Raffs, what a fantastic post and thank you for taking such time for quality advice, i am not in fear of trying this,as i fear the pain and horrible sensations more Is vegan the very strict one no eggs or fish etc, and where should i get the complete diet thank you so much and i am so proud of you that you have suffered so much and still can make someone giggle. Lots of love Granny Phyl
Yeah vegan is the one with out milk, (I used coconut for a while til I got fed up and am going hazelnut direction now). Even crisps, (potato chips for my American brothers and sisters), have milk products in them.
You may get your specs out granny Phyl and get reading Good planning is key. I identified several dinners and a couple of lunches before I began and it has made it a lot easier than I would have thought.

Wow, raffs. That is inspirational. Most of my children are veggie and one is vegan so wouldn’t be too hard for me as we already have a fairly restricted diet.
Have you tried oat milk? It’s reasonably palatable, as is almond milk. For my money they are the best of the ‘milks’.
Tried a few different ones at the start but landed on coconut. After a short period I've gotten fed up of everything having a vaguely coconut taste. I am back trying hazelnut and likening it....for the time being.
Its a huge change in attitude, taste, ease, habit and cost but its also been a huge change in suffering too

Also, have you eliminated sugar? In theory I suppose it’s acceptible on a vegan diet.
I had been using syrup and I should also state I am still taking honey so not a strict vegan, (although had very little of it). I also have been having boiled sweets and VEGAN CHOCOLATE
sorry just so glad I didn't have to give up everything.
So not been shying away from sugar

a nice moderate response
Great to hear that a vegan diet is working for you Raffs.
The reference to sugar makes me think. In my case sugar doesn't seem to make much difference. At times I have enjoyed some enormous and delicious meringues for a local cake shop with no penalty by RLS. I know sugar is not a good diet so I now resist rewarding myself for any thing good I do with the bribes my parents used in my childhood.
My brother has been following a zero sugar diet for a few months and his weight loss has been remarkable. With the weight loss has come much healthier feelings, better breathing and almost no pain in his feet and ankles. YET he says that without sugar he just doesn't feel hungry and the diet is breeze. Since about October he has lost 29 kilograms. He says its easy. He has a book on going to zero sugar and if anyone in interested I will get the details. The sugar works on the digestive system to make you hungry and to interrupt the signal from your stomach to your brain that says you have eaten enough. So just when you have food in front of you your brain is getting a signal that falsly tells it you are hungry. How good is that if you are in the business of selling food???
I have never found sugar an issue either.
I've had very little appetite since dropping animal products. I eat but am never really hungry so little snacking.... or lamenting the fact I can't have a buger
I have had to give up sugar for Diabetes and can honestly say has made no change to RLS they are still wild at times
Do you use artificial sweeteners? Aspertame, etc. They may be even worse than natural sugar for RLS. Not sure about Stevia. But since it works the same as natural sugar in the brain I am avoiding it. That leaves lots of options, like water, more water and of course more water!!!
I so relate to that it is exactly how i felt for the last 11 weeks i have given up sugar (that is overt sugar coke sweets chocolate cakes desserts ice cream etc) i am however not yet reading the food labels. Your brothers' wieght loss is remarkable (i have lost 10k)
Start reading the food labels. Its amazing what they peddlers of sugar are able to sell you. A very well known weight control organisation sells biscuits with 35% sugar!!! No fat but it s starting to appear that we can digest fat but sugar really goes to work on our well designed system. One Australian manufacturer sells (or used to sell) Low GI sugar as a health product!