Terrible night: I had a rotten night... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Terrible night

blacknwhitecat profile image
30 Replies

I had a rotten night last night with almost pain in my legs.

I feel it might be the result of taking 2 teaspoons of Baileys in my one cup of coffee just lately (yummy) & the Elderflower cordial in the glass of water to make it more palitable?!

So, I shall cease & desist & see what happens ?!!!!!

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blacknwhitecat profile image
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30 Replies
insect profile image

Do you think it was the strange mixture of drinks or the sensations in your legs?

thedragon profile image

Well I've never found that alcohol coffee or sugar makes any difference to my rls....all you can probably try is to cut it out like you say then reintroduce each one to see if it makes any difference. Please let us know how you get on.

blacknwhitecat profile image

Can't think of anything else it would be, as that's the only new things in my diet !

Thanx for replying !

thedragon profile image
thedragon in reply to blacknwhitecat

You could try changing the Bailey's to whisky and using double the amount. Ha ha. Just joking!!!

blacknwhitecat profile image

I like your sense of humour...nothing better to make someone feel better.

Hoping for a better nights sleep tonight.

Thinking of all RLS sufferers

Phillw profile image

Lol I'm on that much drugs for RLS and my back trouble I can't drink alcohol at all because its a serious side effect if I do. When your legs are bad have you tried having a hot bath.



thedragon profile image
thedragon in reply to Phillw

I often have a hot bath and scrub my legs and btm (as I get it in my hips) with the exfoliating gloves you get for ...well...exfoliating!!! with a bit of bubble bath on. I find the scratching helps sort of override the rls feelings and i get a bit of peace for a while!

Patsy11011 profile image

For me... sugar is like poison for my RLS and although alcohol also affects me (wine being the worst!) I can't resist a bit of a cocktail in the early evening!

dangermouse profile image

RLS is the weirdest, most unfathomable disease I've ever heard of. I was advised to take a glass of red wine each day for its beneficial effects. I stopped doing so a couple of years ago owing to weight gain, and my RLS went crazy. I started again [stuff the weight gain -I'll just eat less!] and the RLS calmed down. And yet wine and alcohol in general seems to adversely affect a lot of us.

You are right there dangermouse, RLS, is a BIG mystery when it comes to what helps and what makes it worse for alot of us. Why, some stuff helps one and not another, is something none of us have an answer for. Maybe its because our genetic make up is unique (sp) to each of us.

blacknwhitecat profile image

SUPER to hear from all you guys!.

Went out like a light last night but woke up with painful legs at 7.30 am.

Also wondering if not enough exercise is my trouble, as you say Dangermouse, it could be ANYTHING !!!!!!

Got to go out shopping today, so 10 mins walking into town & 10 mins back plus the walking around should help ?!

I also suffer with migraine so the red wine is a no no ! (bummer!)

Thinking of all you guys & wishing you well.

Oh! my black'n'white cat is called Bandit !!!!!

Hi, so now we know why you have your screen name... :) As for exercise, that can be good for some and not for others. For me personally, whether i get exercise or not, doesnt make any difference to my RLS. I take my dog out every day, and have found no difference. Before i adopted my dog last June i didnt get out much, but sitting in doors still didnt make any difference.

So, let us know how after the shopping trip if your RLS improved. :)

blacknwhitecat profile image

OK! will let you know how it goes.

Whats your dogs name & what breed is he?

She is called Lulu, and is a mutt...lol. yorkie cross. She was 21 months when i adopted her.

My first dog since i lost my old Lab, many years ago. She can be a pain sometimes, but i love having her, best thing i did....i HAVE to take her out everyday, even tho i dont always feel up to it.

thedragon profile image

Tis crazy how we are all different....tons of excercise or none makes no difference to me!

in reply to thedragon

same here, if I walk all day and want to sit down for a cuppa and a read, it is a clear signal for the Widgeys to start, it is like it is lurking in the background jut waiting to pounce, no wonder we are always tired, we are having to move around all the time, or I find I AM.

thedragon profile image

yep, smoking or not made no difference to me too!

in reply to thedragon

I agree with you thedragon, makes no difference, only the amount, I was just saying to tallula that I have got them down to 6 a day at the mo, but heyho, when the RLS strikes, I would smoke an whole packet if it would help, mind I would be Black inside and out. Hope you are ok, it is nice to be chatting to you all again, will chat again soon.

blacknwhitecat profile image

Well, guys I am embarressed to report that I had a good night !

I get these bouts of RLS & I don't know where or why they appear ?

Knowing it was starting up, I got my daughter in the US to send me a bottle of tablets of Hylands Restful Legs....I must say they do seem to help a lot.

Anyone wanting to know more about these, just ask.

Elisse...I have 4 cats, 5 dogs, 7 ducks & 3 donkeys back in the US....miss them all terribly.

thedragon profile image
thedragon in reply to blacknwhitecat

I`d be interested to know cat!!!

Hey, you had a good night, thats good... :) I was just wondering, you get bouts of RLS, does that mean you dont get it as a regular thing, everynight. ? If the Hylands Restful Legs helps then thats good, but i have tried them before and they didnt help me.

That is alot of animals you have and i bet you do miss them. Are you living here permantly, or just visiting. No need to answer that last question...

Hiya tallula, have been reading the above messages, and I have decided that smoking actually seems to settle rls or is it just an excuse, well whatever, I have cut back on ciggs otherwise I would be like a chimney. No only joklng, about 6 a day at the mo, so pleased. No alchol at all for me, too many pills, mind I am tempted at times, How are you doing, I was talking to someone last night who has Diabetes, and he says that he has terrible RLS! We all seem to have RLS and with different illness or problems!! At least being to talk to people who also have the same, you do feel as thought you are struggling on your own all the time. Chat again later.

Yeap as I just said to dragon, I am sure it knows when I want to sit down and have a cuppa and read, and relax, what's that (relax) I really envy these people who can sit down for a while and read, and chill, oh I wish. X

thedragon profile image

Ha Ha I can only just manage it sitting down....there would be stiches all over the floor!!!!!!

blacknwhitecat profile image

My cat bandit is quite a character, as I suspect are you Dragon !!!!

Yes ! Elisse I only get bouts not every night!

I don't mind answering your question........I'm Engish, married to an American 22 years ago, we went to US in 95' I came over for 1st & last vacation in 2010 & have been stranded ever since !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'Hubby FORGOT (yes! really!) to fill out visa paperwork 17 years ago !

By the way Dragon, you can have my cat when I go back to the States soon ? !

in reply to blacknwhitecat

Oh dear...!! Hope you get back home soon, I am pleased that you only get bouts of RLS, i hope that continues for a long time and it doesnt get any worse, probably why the Hylands Restful Legs works for you. People with mild RLS, can sometimes find a remedy that will work for them... :)

blacknwhitecat profile image
blacknwhitecat in reply to

Yeah! I've jumped through their hoops, dotted i's & crossed t's through reams of paperwork for 2 1/2 years & now I'm nearly done.

I do SO hope to get home soon, as my daughter will be 40 & my husband 70 this year !

RLS sufferers are always on my mind, how I WISH I had the magic remedy !

in reply to blacknwhitecat

Hope you get back home for both of those celebrations... Yes, we all wish we had the magic remedy, RLS is so complicated and affects everyone at different levels. One of the reasons, the experts cant pin it down. In the meantime, we all try to manage it in the best way we can, and do what helps us as individuals. I am not expecting a cure in my life time.

Let us know when you get the go ahead to go home. You will still be able to post on here after you return to the states.

blacknwhitecat profile image

Had a dreadful night again last night, could NOT get to sleep & then of course everything starts up ! Uuuurrrggg !

Just had the apartment manager come round to inspect that I hadn't trashed the place !

I asked the owner for paint & brushes, 2 months ago, which he happily provided (magnolia!) & I have happily painted this grubby lil' place from top to bottom !

I have also stenciled LIVE LOVE LAUGH in the sitting/dining room, SUGAR & SPICE & ALL THINGS NICE in the kitchen, SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER in the tiny hall, ZZZZZZZ in the bedroom & BUBBLES & SOAP & WATER in the bathroom !!!!!!!

Any other suggestions ? !

Yes! will let you know of my progress !

blacknwhitecat profile image

Hi everyone,

My back has gone out now....I was crawling around on my hands & knees for a while yesterday !!!!!

A friend phoned gave me some advice & I am now upright & not in quite so much pain.

Will toddle out & get some Ibuprofen !

Thank goodness I slept like a log....no RLS !!!!!!

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