Hi I couldnt find your post on health Unlocked (it came through my mobile) but you ask about Clonazepam. This is the ONLY med that has helped me and believe me I think I have tried everything out there. Unfortunately they are very addictive. I started on half a tablet in January this year and am now just beginning to take four nightly. This is the highest dose. Have requested a second opinion from a Neurologist and waiting desperately to see one. My worst experience was Pramipexole which gave me hallusinations and nightmares. I would recommend Clonazepam to anyone if you want a year off this horrible complaint. The last Neurologist lost patience with me and tossed an anti depressant across the desk and said "Well, thats it" My RLS is severe and I feel so let down. I wish you all the best and hope you find a sensitive GP or Neurologist.
To Faypreston re Clonazepam - Restless Legs Syn...
To Faypreston re Clonazepam

Thank you so much for responding. I also have debilitating RLS and find Clonazepam fairly goodplus Targin, both of which I know are highly addictive but I am 83 years old and will do anything for relief. I also have showers throughout the night when the RLS becomes too distressing. I also exercise at night too.
Hi Spudellan
At 83 you deserve some relief.
I will send a list of ideas by private message. Each of the ideas have helped someone on this forum so they are worth trying.
Thank you. Just for the record I break the 0.5mg Clonazepam into roughly 1/3 each night and 1 tab Oxycodone 5 mg and naloxone hydrochloride 2.5mg (called Targin).
I hope you didn't pay your rude Neurologist. Just because there is a gap in his knowledge he has no right to be rude to you
Thanks Graham , no I didn't pay HER. Just slammed the door behind me. Was interested in your comments about taking other meds with Clonazepam. Am going to take a copy to my next Neurologist. I am only 76 so could have quite a few more years to suffer yet. I have never been offered a mixture of meds and have been telling GP's for years that Dopamine agonts were evil for me. Finally I have been proved right and it is soooo satisfying. Oh one more tip that some of us may have heard but forgotten. ANY dairy fat is not good at all for me. Bless you all.
Good on you. These quacks need to be shown a bit of anger when they fail us. My experts tend to shift the details so it sounds like its my fault and I am being unreasonable to expect their help. May I repeat the old joke. "The difference between a neurologist and God is that God knows he is not a neurologist."
Of course it is really my fault - I should have chosen my parents more carefully.
Sorry I used gender-specific language to describe the neurologist but I am used to meeting male specialists.
I hope you have many more years but without the suffering.
Hi dojen have been on clonazapam for years ,at one stage my body got used to them and had to go off for a while ,but have been back on them for over 2years again with other meds ,I find if you keep the dose as low as you can it works well ,down to half tab ,when you start to get the wiggles up to up full one for a while. Then try to work back again ,but my other meds ,take 1 Tramadol , and half ,pramapexel at moment but I up and down them so I don’t get to used to them ,it seems to work ,so far anyway
Thanks Mopsy. I am going to suggest other Meds to reduce dependency on Clonazepam. I am on three now but that has built up for a year so havn't done too badly considering thats been it. Have found foods to avoid though. As for Pramepexole, the very name gives me shudders. Had horrific side effects from them. Thanks though I notice many others have mixed meds too so will definatly try out my new Neurologist WHEN II get appointment.