My GP has prescribed Clonazepam for RLS, can you give me your thoughts on this medication please?
Clonazepam : My GP has prescribed... - Restless Legs Syn...

The problem with clonazepam is it has a long half life of 40 hours and can cause sleepiness the next day.
If you find you can't live with this ask for zopiclone
I already have Zopiclone but cant get on with it as it makes me so sleepy the next day and doesn't help with RLS. Is Clonazepam worse than that?
Yep or the same. Zopiclone only has a half life of 3 1/2 to 6 1/2 hours.
I have just had an on line appointment for medical cannabis. I am going to try oil that I take in a drink in the evening. Its very expensive so do I really want it to work, I don't know. lol. What are your thoughts?
Run, don't walk, in the other direction from clonazepam. It only may work for a short time and then it is hell to get off (IMO, 10 times worse than getting off of pramipexole) and may damage dopamine receptors permanently. I know because I was prescribed this about 20 years ago and it took 6 months to recover. It is sometimes prescribed for PLMD but is not longer a recommended drug for RLS. First line drug treatment should be gabapentin or pregabalin. If those are not effective, opioids are the next line. There are also lots of other posts on effective remedies and changes you can make that have worked for some.
Hi Violetta, what was your approximate dosage of the clonazepam?
I have no idea, it was so long ago.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone saying Clonazepam helped their RLS. I think doctors believe something that induces sleep will cause a person to sleep through RLS. This I’ve never found to be the case.
it might sounds strange, but not for me, my doctor , Keith 's doctor...L
Love It. Using for some decades , never more than 0.6 mg; no side effects...40 hr half life It would be an upside for me
nonetheless, you know, everyone have their believes (the true medication, afterall)
all the best
It helps my PLMD, not sure if it reduces my limb movements or just helps me stay asleep - or both.
There has been a suggestion that I might try this too for PLMS instead of Gabapentin (if my cardiologist won't agree to the latter as I have Left Bundle Branch Block). Are you active during the day on it? I'm a fitness instructor so I'm worried I won't have the wakefullnes for high impact or teaching work...