Hi me again I am just in the mist of doing a complaint email to my doctors. Ok back on Nov I emailed my idiot neurogist and asked what I can swap to from ropinirole, I was told gabapentin was no good and wouldn't work for me. He never contacted me other from a letter from my GP who was copied in asying 28 500mcg of clonazepam had been prescribed for me to replace ropinirole because I said I believed it was making me have leg spasms. I was never told to ween off ropinirole just to pop one of these at night time before bed. Even though I had put in my email that my symptoms are so bad that I'm popping ropinirole at 2pm and cannot get to night time. So to then replace it with one night time pill with no instructions. I decided I couldn't cope with no daytime pills so never tool it and I formed my doctors who said ok amd carried on prescribing me ropinirole.So I'm building a case now as I've been completely let down.
What is clonazepam anyone? Is this something people take is it a DA. Honestly I could cry. Yes I am going to look at legal action I'm just getting all my information together and coping in all my emails so I can show my pleading with him. For what you are all saying is that you need to come off ropinirole before starting another one, how could he not know this and just prescribe clonazepam with no consulting me on anything how to take when to take do I wean off etc. He's just changed it because I said I wondered if it was the reason I had muscle spams. Funny enough since I've gone from 8 0.25 to 5. 0.25s I have noticed my spasms are less frequent and milder. I'm so frustrated I hope he comes back with the worst rls ever!