I have had really bad pain in one of my legs all day and still hurts now I've taken pain killers is this due to my restless legs as it's only in one leg it's worse than tooth ache
Really bad pain in one leg - Restless Legs Syn...
Really bad pain in one leg

Hi, Bettyboop. Re Really bad pain: You don't say what other symptoms. It could be so many things.. Is you're leg swollen? Is is red or hot? I wouldn't presume to guess what's wrong but maybe this thought will help you decide what to do. On a scale of 1 to 10 decide where your pain level falls. If it is as painful as you say or you have other -especially-new symptoms, it might be better to err on the side of caution and call your doc or possibly go to an Urgent Care Center or E.R.( don't know where you live. Better safe than sorry. If it were me and I had symptoms I couldn't attribute to something I would get checked out by a professional. Don't mean to alarm. It could be nothing but I believe it would be best to find out. Hope this helps you decide what to do. No one ever really wants to go to the doctor or E.R. but sometimes we're glad we did. Good luck. Take care. burmag (Burma)

Hi Burmag
Thanks for your reply. I can't describe it only like a toothache but in my leg I've taken pain killers but it's still aching, trying to see a doc could take up to 2 weeks for a appointment but I will go. My leg is not swollen or hot just really hurts. Thanks Tracy
I have a pain in my left leg just like you describe it's a nagging pain that you can't get any rest with and my ankle is very achy too . I have had it ages and it's very painful . Hope yours gets better soon if you do go to Drs can you let me know what he says I'm thinking it could be tendinitis for me that is . Xxπ
Hi Bettyboop45, I'm glad you're keeping your appt. I re-read your post and saw you've had it for awhile. That is a good sign as acute problems don't usually let you wait awhile to be seen by a doc. Good luck and hopefully the pain won't worsen while waiting for your appt. Take care, Burma
Are you taking any herbs? Herbs are potent. (A couple months ago now) I had leg pain so bad I couldn't walk without my eyes welling up with tears. Through help by the wonderful people on this site I looked into my vitamins and pinpointed the culprit. Bromelain (pineapple extract -- an herb used for infammation) was my culprit; the pain stopped once I stopped taking this. If interested, look at my post "extreme leg pain" and the replies from everybody.
Also, have you tried soaking in an epsom salt bath? You can't do this for very long at once (I think 12 minutes is the max), but it does help.
Hope you get relief soon.
Take care,

Hi jess
I not using any herbs.. It's just a dull aching pain
Thanks Tracy
That's just the same as mine it's like nagging toothache . Have you tried magnesium spray it's really helpful H&B sell it xx
Ooh, good one, Matrix! Yes, magnesium oil is wonderful for pain!!! Just massage it wherever the pain is. It will probably itch, but that just means the magnesium is being absorbed.
Hi Jess, I agree. Magnesium oil is one off my staples. I make my own-cheaper. A good recipe that I found is on the website wellnessmama.com. Take care, Burma
Hi Bettyboop45, Jess's idea re epsom salts is a good one. It's also a very good way to have magnesium absorbed by the body, which helps so many areas esp aches andpains. Take care, Burma

Is there really a limit on the time I should spend in an Epsom salt bath? I use two cups in a deep bath and stay in there till the washing up is done - I mean for about an hour. I think the warm water helps me as much as the salts
Hi Neil46, I don't think sitting in an epsom salts bath for an hour is harmful. I've done it many times (these days I soak my feet and lower legs in warm to hot epsom salts water often for close to an hour because it takes away pain and relaxes me. I have trouble with my knees and getting in and out of the tub is hard so I use a shower chair. If my knees were in better shape I would go back to sitting in the tub. Taking too much magnesium by mouth can cause side effects- mainly diarrhea as magnesium is a well-known laxative in the right amount. While magnesium is absorbed very well thru the skin (hence soaking in the tub) it does not affect the gastrointestinal system . It does feel good to soak. I believe one reason is that so many of us are deficient in magnesium (even when blood levels show up as normal,) and by soaking we absorb needed magnesium into our muscles. Of course these are my own experiences. I also rub magnesium oil on after a shower. Another good way to absorb and relieve pain. You can buy magnesium oil-not really an oil-but a spray. HOWEVER it is easy, cheaper, and effective to make your own. Google 'magnesium oil recipe'- they are in many websites. I got mine from a website called wellnessmama.com but browse around. I don't recommend this site for any monetary reason but because I agree with much of what I find there healthwise and it's where I got my recipe from. Enjoy your soaks. PS. Try playing some relaxing music while soaking. I do this and can really fall asleep easily afterward. Just keep electrical cords away from the water.! Take care, burmag (Burma)

I must be a magnesium junkie - I love my hot bath, I take 200-300mg Magnesium Citrate each day and I bought magnesium flakes to make oil - makes me feel sticky for quite a while after massage though. Love the relaxing music idea, I think I will do that, thank you for the ideas
Hi Neil46. You're right, it can feel sticky. Some sites recommend letting the magnesium oil dry for 20-30 minutes then rubbing some lotion on to help get rid of the sticky feeling. I don't mainly because I have never liked the oily feeling from lotions and creams. So I just let it dry. I have noticed sometimes (mostly when I use epsom salts(magnesium sufate) instead of magnesium chloride flakes when my skin dries, I have to brush off some dried white epsom salt bits. These cause no harm and which product I use just depends on what's available at the store when I buy my ingredients. Both the sulfate and chloride forms of magnesium are equally effective but brushing off the dried flakes keeps them from getting on my furniture or bed sheets. (I'm a little OCD about them getting on my furniture.LOL).Same reason I don't like the 'greasy feel' of lotions, oils, etc. But that's just my preference. I do take a magnesium supplement by mouth. (magnesium taurate) .My cardiologist recommended I take magnesium supplements for my cardiac issues. so did research and chose the taurate. I did a post a while back on the different forms of oral magnesium and the issue seems to be not to just choose the one with the most elemental magnesium but the ones that are best absorbed. It would be an interesting google search for you if interested.I have a-fib and last year chose to have a pacemaker implanted and an AV node ablation (both closed and easy procedures) in order to get off cardiac meds. It has turned out well for me. And magnesium is an important mineral for the heart. So I pay attention to getting enough. And there you have my magnesium soapbox speech 101. LOL PS No reason for the italics-just not used to my computer yet. Take care, burmag (Burma).

Thanks Burma, I like your soapbox speech and I remember the magnesium post; one of the reasons I am taking magnesium.
I have tapered myself off lercanidipine and now take no blood pressure meds. I did this without dr's consent and he has asked me to provide a week worth of readings from my home cuff reader. My bp is up and down because I am doing heavy diy jobs at present; i consider that normal. I am so glad I don't have your probs and I wish you didn't but it is great that you are in control!
Hi Neil, Very glad I could help you, And thank you for asking about my problems. Actually they aren't so bad, many have worse and I'm lucky to have good docs and know how to navigate the healthcare system which makes everything easier. The worse prob for me is the rls because of the chronic pain. Never had that before. But I'm getting good info esp tips that minimize meds. For me, I have lost a lot of trust in 'big pharma' and prefer to try as many natural treatments as possible, Hopefully the magnesium will make a big difference for you and may well help you to feel better overall. Let me know how it goes. Take care, burmag (Burma)

Hi Burma, Like you I am cynical about 'big pharma' especially their attitude to aluminium "no need to investigate side effects further" (No, that industry is making billions) -sorry, my soapbox I'm afraid!
I am a fan of Dr John Bergman (youtube) and agree with most of what he says. Drugs are sometimes self-perpetuating I am sure. But what if there were none! Doesn't bear thinking about..Trapped!
I am a fan of Dr. Bergman also. I agree-there are times when meds are absolutely necessary and have gotten me through some bad times. But at this point in my life, I prefer to try less invasive and more natural help first and leave the drugs til last. But more and more I feel the drug industry-at least here in the US -is'money-driven' more than 'patient care' driven. Just my opinion. I don't have any answers-just what I feel is best for me. I feel food plays a big part in my rls treatment and that, along with the right supplements is what I'm focusing on. I do my own research; believe many things we need to know to help ourselves can be found on the web. Take care. burmag (Burma).
Hi Jess , oh I didn't know that's why it itched , just thought it was me I have funny skin xxπ
Haha!!! Yep, that's why.π
(Whoops, I skipped some words there. I read "just thought I had funny skin")
Hi Bettyboop45, I may be way off the mark here but do you over-stretch your legs to gain relief from the RLS? I have been bending my leg as far up my back as I can and I have damaged a tendon in my knee. Just a thought.
Hi Neil
No not been stretching wish I could lol. I really hurting today again it's also happened when I was flying , I was in tears but then it goes and comes back again and it's getting more frequent it's my whole leg that hurts it's worse than tooth ache
It is so miserable I have had it for years but I hate going to the docs . Xx