As my restless legs got worse, I started having pain in the front of my legs. I sleep on my stomach and the pain although mild keeps me from going back to sleep, although occasionally it is mild enough I can. I would also have it lying on my back. After awhile I started having the pain when I was up and around. I tried the exercises that I use to stop the restless legs (see my other post), but they don't work on the pain. Still, I can't help but feel they are related to the restless legs.
Has anyone had pain in their leg(s)? - Restless Legs Syn...
Has anyone had pain in their leg(s)?

P.S. It also affects the back of my legs although to a lesser extent. I have found that after having my coffee in the morning, it is better and I can ussualy make up my sleep.
Can you give a more detailed description of the pain?
Which parts of your legs does it affect, is it both above and below your knees? Is it both legs?
Are your feet OK?
Is it a sharp pain or dull? Is it constant or throbbing?
Does it feel deep in your legs.
There are many causes of painful legs, more detail may enable somebody to confirm it's RLS.

It's a dull pain and is constant. It's mostly above my knees, but is also below my knees. It's both legs although more on my right leg which is the one most affected by the RLS. My feet are OK. It feels on the surface or in the muscles.
I don't experience RLS pain myself so can't say for sure.
Descriptions of RLS pain, I've read, say a deep dull constant ache.
Let's see what others say.
I had pain in the mornings after the RLS quit after 3 am. putting a pain reliver ointment and walking some helped. now with using the pedal exerciser that hasn't happened. I take the iron! and also what has helped me is doing the low-oxalate diet, getting a pedal exerciser, (not the most expensive and I use it during the day) and I take hawthorn extract for digestion and grapefruit extract for sleep. use a rub, like theragesic or icy hot and massage into your legs. good luck!
Most of my pain feels like it's in the bones at front of my legs. I take pramipexole and gabapentin for RLS. Then rub deep heat into the front of legs when woken with that pain, which is like a deep throbbing ache. I also have fibromyalgia so it could be conected with that.
I get the same. Also the calf muscles are hard. Saw a doctor the other day. He felt them. Said can you relax your legs. I told him they were. He tapped the knee and got no reaction at all.
Hello Sue,
My mum suffers with restless legs, she is now experience pain rather than restless legs and it’s seems to be constant.
She has been referred back to the clinic and is waiting for a appointment but I don’t think she can cope whilst waiting. Is there anything we can do to help her or push this along.
How are you coping now?
Would be great if we could compare what you have tried.