Hi all, I have severe lifelong RL managed by 7.5mg methadone for the past year. I also have osteoarthritis in my hips. During this past year I have developed random aching in my legs that I am confused about and will soon see my doctor about. The aching goes away at night and comes on after exercise or being on my feet too long. Sometimes it's in my quads or thighs, then other times in calves or ankles. It varies. My thought is whether this could be caused by opioid use as it slowly built up since I started on them. If you have any thoughts on this I'd be very interested to hear about it. Thanks for listening!
A question about opioids and leg pain - Restless Legs Syn...
A question about opioids and leg pain

hi Rayner, I often have aching legs, especially if I have been standing more than usual in the day, or too much exercise.
I didn’t have an especially busy day today but oh my legs are aching so bad. Just took my 11.25 mg m@th@d@ne and are lying on couch with legs in the air, but … soooo achy.
It’s a very normal symptom for me and nothing to do with opioids ( for me anyway) as my legs have been like this ever since I can remember .
hi, thank you, it's great to hear from you! I'm sorry this aching pain is bothering you too. It seemed strange to have it become a new problem this year and so I thought maybe it was the methadone. My legs feel so very tired too, almost weak. Maybe it's because of a lifetime of RL! The methadone is helping me with calming the worst RL, still breakthroughs, but so much better than the all night RL. I hope you're well and the current med dose is working out all right for you.
Sounds like it might be a salt issue.
Try drinking a glass of salty water- teaspoon of salt in a full glass and gulp it down quickly.
If that doesn't work, then try taking some magnesium tablets-- see Chris Columbus reply to a post very recently. Mg citrate -about 200mg at first. Keep apart from Gabapentin by 3 hrs.
Good luck.
You're not also taking a statin are you? I had bad leg aches, joint pains, extreme tiredness (and bad RLS) while on Atorvastatin. Stopped when I came off (with agreement of consultant and doctor)
My Grandad had tired legs and pain but he had vascular disease.
I've been on 10mg/day for 6 years and it's been a godsend. Have not had any leg pain.