We have finally succeeded in organising a one-hour tv programme which is entirely dedicated to RLS. This is one of our most significant achievements to date but there is much more work to be done. We hope you are all looking forward to seeing it.
Getting to this point has been a slow process. As a small charity we would not have been able to do this without the support of our members. Membership fees and occasional kind donations from private individuals are what keep us going.
Despite having over 11,000 followers on Facebook and almost 6,000 users of this forum, we only have about 200 paid members (at £15 per annum this generates £3,000 per year), which means what we are limited in what we can do to raise awareness of RLS. If only ten of you reading this joined us, our membership funding would be increased by 10%.
If you would like to help us continue our work, please consider joining us. We rely on your membership fees and donations to do our work.
You can join online at rls-uk.org/membership
Thank you