Hi everyone, just to say that I am having my operation on Tuesday .I thoughtit may have to be postponed but hopefully it will now go ahead. The operation is surgical removal of my Coccyx (tailbone ). The recovery is a long one,I can't even try to sit down for 6 weeks and even then only for one minute per day so it will be many months before I can drive again. This surgery is a last resort following years of steroid injections and manipulations which brought temporary relief.As I know you will all appreciate the threat of a severe RLS attack straight after my surgery is a constant worry.I will have no antisckness meds written on my notes and wristband in big red letters if I have my say!!! I can only hope that the RLS at least lets me have some rest.I have taken a good break from my Neupro patch so that it will hopefully work well when I start back on it tomorrow. So I will be missing for a while but will update when I am able. Wishing everyone a peaceful night.....Pipps x
Operation : Hi everyone, just to say... - Restless Legs Syn...

All the best Pipps hope it go,s well for you and hope you don,t get to much trouble with RLS good luck xx
All of God,s blessings for you . I will keep you in my prayers. Jimeka xx
Well Pippin at last ,I really hope all goes good for you,is it going to be bums up ,I bet you are dreading the thought of rls it is such a painful thing,thanks for photo brill ,will be thinking about you often xx
All the very best over the next while.
I suspect you will be on such high morphine/ fentanyl that in the short term rls will not be an issue.
It's when you need to ween off those painkillers that it will kick in. I've been through that process after major back surgery- successfully.
Basically you can cut the duragesic patches to whittle down the dose progressively - each day. This is not approved medical advice or practice - but it works. If you need to know more PM me and I will give you more info.
Meanwhile - Good luck.
Oh yes Pipps, hope all goes well, keep us up to date xxx

Wishing you all the best for Tuesday, Pipps and a speedy recovery. You will be missed and I look forward to seeing your name on the forum again, when you are feeling up to it.
Hope all goes well for you Pippins 2 ,wouldn't it be great if that was part cause for your RLS you might finally be free of pain ,nice to think so ,will be thinking of you ,( think the best forget the rest )
hi pippins my rls just got me out of bed have just seen your post about your op I like all the others hope all goes well !!!! am sure you will soon be giving [LOUIS HAMILTON] a run for his money???? good luck and best wishes STAN talk again soon xxxxxxxx
Good luck with your operation. I had a major, life-saving Aortic Aneurysm operation last June and wsa worried that my RLS might be a problem while in hospital. However, the epidural and various pain meds meant that for the first time in ages, my RLS was temporarily banished! Although it came back eventually after leaving hospital, the Gabapentin I`ve been on for the last couple of years gives me some relief. I am also going to try the Magnesium spray mentioned in another post.
Hope everything goes well for you
Good luck Pipps x
Every good wish to you Pippin I hope you are made comfortable. No doubt the post medications should help the dreaded RLS.
Every good wish to you Pippin and hope you are made comfortable.No doubt the post medications should help with the dreadedRLS
Wishing you all the best Pipps, will be thinking of you and sending you psychic/virtual hugs (well I'll try to anyway lol).
Take care, do exactly what you need to do to get better and remember you will be missed !
Wishing you a really successful op and a speedy and positive recovery.x
Good luck Pipps, I hope everything goes well for you and it all works out fine xx