RLS-UK have been thinking about holding 'coffee mornings' in regions across the UK, an opportunity for our supporters to come along, have a cup of tea/coffee (should they wish - we know tea and coffee can aggravate RLS symptoms in some people), and most importantly have a chat with other people who live with RLS. No dates have yet been identified.
If you are in the UK, would you be interested in attending such an event? If so, please give us an indication of where you are in the UK.
To indicate, please choose one of the following - we know they are relatively crude collective terms but please try to stick to them so we can get a rough idea of where we should be looking to hold the 'coffee mornings'. So, if you are in the West Midlands, please just write WM.
Please do not comment below if you have already responded on our Facebook page as we do not want to double count.
SE - South East
London - All of London
NW - North West
East - East of England
WM - West Midlands
SW - South West
YH - Yorkshire & Humber
EM - East Midlands
NE - North East
Wales - All of Wales
NI - All of Northern Ireland
Sc - All of Scotland
Thank you