mrs: have suffered from rls with severe... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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valeriedee profile image
27 Replies

have suffered from rls with severe leg pain for eleven years searching for relief using therapy, injections rx, surgery with no results. I recently purchased the Relaxis pad. Wonders! I can now rest in comfort, go to sleep quickly and stay asleep. This is not a cure, there is no cure but a very panacea

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valeriedee profile image
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27 Replies

What is a relax pad/where do you get them and now much? I'm so desperate. Alone with no support. Attacks every night. Too tired. Hope you can help. Janet

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to

Janet if you google Relaxis pad there is some information about it.It is a device which has shown in clinical trials to relieve symptoms of Primary RLS in SOME people.Which country are you in Janet? It is available in the USA and Canada but there seems to be some problems with getting insurance to allow it.It is expensive to buy around £900 GBP.Apparently people are able to hire it for a month or so before buying.It should have been ready to launch in Europe this year but the website is now saying early 2016 so we shall see.What are you taking for your RLS ?

valeriedee profile image
valeriedee in reply to

just do a search for Relaxis pad. Wish you well

beady3 profile image
beady3 in reply to

Janet havnt you been to the doc because he will give you something,I think it must be awful on your own all night and rls playing up ,that's why we are on this web site you can write in any time of night and bet some one will answer you ,because we all try to help each other. I am on Tramodol it's going ok try a bath that helps me Lets know how you get on x

in reply to beady3

Been to doc every month. Tried Sifrol-it was awful, making things worse. He keeps trying stuff. Im not actually on my own. My son lives with me, but I am his carer and he has his own health to attend to. So in that sense, he is unable to do anything for me during night. Same as being alone, as I cant talk in any detail about it to him. He needs me. Tramadol was very bad for me (collapsed on road outside hospital once. Was very ill with that one). Im not looking forward to trying to go to sleep again tonight. My biggest fear now and suffering from bad depression and anger (something Ive never suffered before). Thanks Beady.

Flgirl58 profile image
Flgirl58 in reply to

Hi topdog01

I'm a newcomer to this site. I too have suffered from RLS for many years. I was recently prescribed Pramipexole. It really helps me. I can finally sleep at night. I don't know if this is something you have already tried. As I said, I am new to the site. I hope you find something that works for you. I also suffer from depression, sleep apnea, afib, COPD and a few others. By far my RLS is the most debilitating, without my meds. Again, I sincerely hope you find something that works for you.

in reply to Flgirl58

Hi Flgirl, I think Pramipexole is Sifrol. It worked a treat for 6 weeks and then had the worst attack ever. And since then, being about a month now. I think we all suffer from other horrible conditions as well as RLS, which for me is as bad as the Depression. There seems to be no real help for that. Everyone I have seen just ends up sending you back to your Doctor. A merry go round situation. All get back to your GP. Doesnt happen like on TV programmes where your therapist comes to your house, rings you every day to check up on you and actually help you! I just dont want to do this any more. Think I have run out of being strong. Janet

valeriedee profile image
valeriedee in reply to

I gave up on docs, specialists, meds, they don't have a clue. Mr doc o kayed the relaxis pad which gives enough relief for a few horus

valeriedee profile image
valeriedee in reply to

try the Relaxis pad I have felt like you for many years, sometimes reduced to tears of frustration

Weepats1980 profile image

Thanks Mrs. I had a wee read and it should be available in the UK at the end of the year. That's another thing I can mention to my doc. I would try anything. I've been up and down all night 😢😡

Pippins2 profile image

Valeriedee What surgery/injections did you have? I don't know of any that would help RLS. Glad you are getting relief from Relaxis , did your insurance pay for it? Are you in USA?

valeriedee profile image
valeriedee in reply to Pippins2

my surgeries etc. were of no use, misdiagnosed for back problems that I do not have

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to valeriedee

Ok ,thats not good putting you through unnecessary surgies

Windwalker profile image

Just what does a relaxis pad do. Is it warm? Does it vibrate or what or both?

Relaxis pad vibrates of sorts.

For those who want to know what the relaxis pad is and what it does. etc.

beady3 profile image

Did I read right those relaxis pads were £700.00

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to beady3

Yes Beady they are around that price x

valeriedee profile image
valeriedee in reply to beady3

the u s cost is appx. $850.00. i think a month trial is offered. in 2016 it is possible medicare will cover some of it. when i got it, i had to give up some pin money to pay, but what price can you put on sleep?

MRS, I'm so glad to see you use Relaxis!. I posted yesterday, I think, but noticed after submitting that it was maybe 2014. Not sure. My neurologist is gathering info on it, so I don't know for sure if renting ongoing will be an option here(US). Paying total retail cost is impossible.

How does one keep feet/legs on the device and can the 'remote' be reached if needed without totally disrupting one's body. My RLS is day and night. If I try to relax in my chair during the day, I am miserable. Do you use it in this instance or just at night? Any info you can post will be much appreciated!

Thank you

valeriedee profile image
valeriedee in reply to

the remote has a long cord, i put it under my body pillow that i use it has a small light so is easy to find. ihave found that to use it for daytime rest , laying on couch works best, i am pretty old, need to lay down for a while during the day. the pad is large enough to support most of the leg. isn't it weird that standing up stops the symptoms ?

in reply to valeriedee

Thank you, Valeriedee. I am 74. In January, I will be three-quarters of a century old. In twenty-five years at 100 I can be considered an antique. Just like antique furniture I will become quite valuable.

RLS can keep me from sleep for two or three nights. Occasionally I can manage a short nap in between. I also find I have fallen asleep while talking to my daughter on the phone. I will wake up with my head on the computer, fall asleep on my walker waiting for the bus, fall asleep on a table in the casino deli. Twice security has come to see if I'm okay and ask could they bring me a cup of coffee.

Anything is possible even the relief to be had from walking though sometimes that doesn't work.

Bajatom profile image

Valeridee, I had almost the same experience after purchasing a Relaxis. I fall asleep without using it, but buzzing/burning legs wake me after 1-3 hours. I turn on the Relaxis and my symptoms disappear or reduce enough not to bother me. But once awake I can't get back to sleep. When Relaxis shuts itself down after 35 minutes I am still awake.

valeriedee profile image
valeriedee in reply to Bajatom

glad you had some relief. if you can;t get back to sleep, try getting up for a few mins, get a drink of something, i have had to do this only once since getting pad 2 months ago

valeriedee profile image
valeriedee in reply to Bajatom

just reread your post,you can do two back to back sessions on your pad, have you done that?

thedragon profile image
thedragon in reply to Bajatom

I've found the shutting down part lulls me off to sleep

valeriedee profile image

When the pad starts to shut down that is the last thing I remember before morning.Someone wrote about buying the Relaxis from Amazon, I think she got a phony, I got mine from the manufacturer

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