Are there any out 'There' who have tried Buspar as either an antidepressant or treatment for RLS. I was hit by a bus in 2004, I have mild PTSD. I say mild because my recurrent nightmares are often humorous but still terrifying. I have 'Can't Escape' dreams, terrifying because running away from a nameless terror is well ...they keep my heart pounding .... RLS is running in place from what!? My dreams are as said creatively humorous, But they repeat, and repeat.
I've taken Sertraline, Zoloft since being whacked by bus 54 in 2004.
Long shortened is anyone using Bupropion(Buspar) as an anti depressant. If so, what has been your experience with the drug? RLS improved, worsened? Depression improved worsened?