Thank you to everyone who responded to my initial post. I am still going over all your excellent suggestions and information.
I have a second question. Has anyone tried Magnesium Glycinate for RLS?
Thank you to everyone who responded to my initial post. I am still going over all your excellent suggestions and information.
I have a second question. Has anyone tried Magnesium Glycinate for RLS?
I have not tried it.. I am hoping that someone comes on later that did. =)
i have used Mag Phos (magnesium phosphate) with great success. Check out my posts from January this year, all the info is there. Sorry for my ignorance but don't know what Mag Glycinate actually is so that would need looking into. Although a long-term sufferer my rls is intermittent and I'm lucky that I don't have to take heavy meds like a lot of sufferers on this site. Do let us know about Mag Glycinate when you have the facts and how useful it is. good luck.
Hi, the followings are some simple explanations about this supplement :
Magnesium Glycinate As A Food Supplement
Published March 11, 2013
What Is Magnesium Glycinate?
Magnesium is an element naturally occurring on earth, with an atomic number of 12 in the periodic table of elements. In the industry, magnesium is commonly combined with other metal to form alloys. But for your own consumption, magnesium helps in improving the basic functions of the body. One type of oral supplement for magnesium is through magnesium glycinate. They make it by combining magnesium with the glycine amino acid, an amino acid which can pass through the intestinal barrier actively.
Some Magnesium Glycinate Benefits
Overall, magnesium’s benefit for us humans is mainly to our body’s structure and daily functions. It is important for the conversion of what we eat into energy and for the synthesis of protein. It helps our heart by normalizing our blood pressure and keeping its steady rhythm. Magnesium glycinate also strengthens our immune system and keeps our blood sugar levels normal. It also helps keep our bones strong and it has been proven to lower bad cholesterol and raise levels of good cholesterol. A lot of researches also prove that the magnesium glycinate chelate aids in some illnesses. Some of them are diabetes, hypertension, menopause, insomnia and restless legs syndrome, and metabolic syndrome.
What Are Magnesium Glycinate Side Effects?
The greatest side effect everyone knows about magnesium glycinate is the upset stomach you can get, even diarrhea can occur. However, among all types of magnesium supplements (there is also magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, magnesium sulphate, and magnesium chloride) magnesium glycinate has the least reported occurrence of digestive system problems because it is highly absorbable. Having a meal before taking in magnesium glycinate tablets can greatly decrease the effects of the said side effects. There were also reported very serious allergic reactions to the drug but these are rare. The allergic reactions reported included symptoms like rashes, itchiness, and swelling of the face/tongue/throat area. Patients also reported severe dizziness, and some trouble in catching their breath.
Precautions In Taking Magnesium Glycinate
Before you decide taking oral supplements of magnesium glycinate, be sure to first consult your doctor. There are components in magnesium glycinate which can affect those who have liver problems, kidney problems, diabetes, alcohol dependence, or the like. If pregnant, it is recommended to use only if greatly needed because it is not known if it passes through breastmilk or if it can affect the child negatively.
One Superpower Of Magnesium Glycinate
According to recent studies, one possible cause of serious depression is magnesium deficiency. Lack of magnesium can result neurological damages thus leading to depression. So if a loved one may seem to be acting weirdly sad lately, try recommending him/her magnesium glycinate supplements, it may help!
How lucky can we get to have you on board with us.. that's why
I keep telling you that I wish that I could get inside of your head...
Ladies and gentlemen.. Rahim has been studying this stuff
for a long while. He is a chemist, and has one of the finest
personalities that I know of. I am truly grateful for your help and
support.. we are touching up on diet, minerals, vitamins.. and
mostly improving nutrition through foods. Your willingness
to help us go about it is invaluable. There are many on here
that cannot take the regular rls drugs. Many hugs from all of
Dear Yike I am not that good, I really do not deserve your complement
I am just an ordinary guy with a litter information trying to help myself and others if I can.
Regarding to nutrition what we drink is very important for our body first we need to lower or omit all soft gas ( CO2 injected, so acidified ) drinks specially diet or so called sugar free soft drinks. Then we need to have healthiest water to drink and use it also for cooking, making tea ( green tea ), coffee, lemonade and etc....
True Alkaline ionized water can be a good choice for people
I found some Leading Doctors and researchers who give their views on the health benefits of drinking alkaline ionized water :
Ben Johnson M.D.
Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.),Naturopathic Medical Doctor(N.M.D.)
Dr.Johnson was featured on the bestselling DVD"The Secret."
“As an alternative medical doctor and especially treating cancer,the most important psychological issue was emotions, but the most important physical issue was pH. In 1931,
Otto Warberg received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering that a low oxygen
environment in the tissues was the cause of cancer.
The cause for a low oxygen level in tissue is acid pH.
When I learned about alkaline water, I became very excited. We are now able to inundate a person's body on a very basic level. Since a body is made up of almost 70 percent water, changing the alkalinity of that water would be a huge accomplishment.
Alkaline antioxidant water changes everything physiologically. It allow sthe enzyme systems to work the way they should. The alkalinity allows oxygen to get to the tissues. More importantly, it provides ready antioxidants to keep our bodies from rotting and rusting through the process of oxidation.
The alkaline antioxidant water solves two of themajor problems that cause aging and disease: low pH and free radicals.
It helps you get healthy and stay healthy by the alkalization of the blood and the antioxidant potential or the oxidation reduction potential (ORP ).
The question is often asked: Who should be drinking the alkaline antioxidant water? The answer is simply, everyone from children to octogenarians.
David S.DyerN.M.D., Ph.D.
"Restructured alkaline water may well be the best element or supplement you can put in your body! Did you know the Japanese have researched this subject for over forty years and
have found that drinking restructured alkalinewater can relieve or reduce the three main
causes for sickness, disease and pre‐mature aging?
Restructured alkaline water made using electrolysis has been consumed by the Japanese for over 40 years and has
touched and changed every disease and condition imaginable. I have been using this water for over 6 years and
have seen similar results when it is used persistently and consistently. The water is smooth, delicious, hydrating,
energizing, permeating, pH balancing and a strong antioxidant. Does this sound like the water you should be
drinking? I wish you all good health . .
Benefits of Alkaline, Ionized Water :
Thank you Rahim50, I appreciate this information. My son is on quite a combo of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, but magnesium is not one of them. Here is the link I found regarding this topic:
This website is just one man's opinion, a chiropractor, but I do believe nutritional deficiencies can cause havoc with our bodies. I think we tend to over medicate and under nutriate. (my made up word!) I do believe that the gut holds the key for a lot of people. I have seen it in my own son.
Thanks again for this great information. Easily absorbable, I like it!
You are mostly welcome dear dear momof
I get a lot of leg and toe cramps, sometimes during the day (if my legs or toes are cold) and also at night. (When I ski I get toe cramps!) Part of this I guess comes with age. Besides RLS, I have what is called silent reflux, which means no heartburn but other symptoms which I will not mention at this time. Combined with asthma it means I have to be on a very low acid diet. So while many get potassium from sources such as tomatoes, tomato juice, orange juice, etc. I have to abstain from those foods. Which means I eat other food sources such as acorn squash, lima beans, molasses, bananas which are actually not as high in potassium as the other foods I mentioned, green veggies, white potatoes, sweet potatoes etc. I asked my neurologist about all of this, and she said to take magnesium for the leg cramps. But this is magnesium oxide. I will have to ask her about magnesium glycinate. She has not mentioned that and she specializes in movement disorders. I started taking the Neupro Patch upon her recommendation (after trying some other meds) about 6 weeks ago, and it is really helping the RLS. This may not be in line with the discussion going on, but I thought I would share it just the same.
I have read up on this since you posted this. I saw that
Magnesium oxide.. is being used to bring a good amount of
pain relief in patients with strong nerve pain as in fibromyalgia
and neuropathy. I didn't see a lot on leg cramps except right
here on this forum -just now. I am not sure of the dosage that
they are using. I would have to go back and check.
If it's helping your RLS, it's an appropriate and important discussion.
Thanks for bringing it to the forum. .=)
you have got me on the drinking diet soda...I am guilty of having 1 diet mountain dew
per day.. I didn't have mine yet today.. I am dropping that treat. =)
You do deserve high praises..You touched on a subject that I have not even
looked into at this point, would not have thought of otherwise.
I am wondering where to get this water..and I am adding up in my head how
many meals I use tap water I know how many gallons I will need
to purchase..or perhaps just get a water tank over here..
Don't you wish that we had known this 50 yrs ago? I wonder if we will
benefit at our age.. can we reverse some of the damage? =O
I did get a moment to pull up some information that says exactly what you
just told us.. It blows my mind that something so simple can make the
changes that I need..I see that it's not a "solve all of your ailments..
but it is something worthy of trying.
If you did nothing else today, you did stop me from buying and drinking that
diet mountain dew that I always look forward to..My shopping will be about
alkaline water..and I will head over to the natural foods store for other things
as well.
One other thought if this might help anyone. I am drinking coconut water to help with potassium intake, and there is a small amount of sodium in it as well. There is no added sugar, or acid, the brand is C2O. I think in an 8 oz serving there is about 75 mg of sodium. So that is very low. And about 300 mg of potassium, again in 8 oz. I only drink that a bit and then just plain water. No caffeine for me. Sometimes I think I drink too much water while exercising which could be washing away some nutrients! I live in a dry climate so one can get quite thirsty if you are outside hiking, biking, walking etc. So I am trying to monitor the amount of water I do drink and I think it is helping with the leg cramps. I do agree that any sodas should be avoided!
I'm not doing too bad giving up soda. The first 2 days were hard. I had coconut
water. I wasn't crazy about the taste of it. Until you told me just now, I didn't know
that it has 300mg of potassium. Plain water gets boring for me. I sometimes use
lemons, limes, and have used oranges to give it some flavor. I do miss the fizz.
You are sounding like you are putting your best foot forward to combat disease
and syndromes. (haha) A lot of people keep a pitcher of water in the fridge with
exact measure of 8 full cups.. I am on the go often so that method doesn't work
for me. I like that coconut water has no acid to effect the teeth enamel. =)