Apple Cidar Vinegar & Molasses cure f... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Apple Cidar Vinegar & Molasses cure for Restless Leg Syndrome

jademarshall profile image
45 Replies

I'm a nurse and have tried the meds but what cured my restless legs was a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar & molasses mixed into a glass of water before you go to bed... it also cures my husband's leg cramps he sometimes gets at night in minutes

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jademarshall profile image
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45 Replies

Thats a new one i havent heard of. Can you tell us how long you have been doing it....?? Glad you have found something which has helped.

jademarshall profile image
jademarshall in reply to

I have been doing this for a coupl of years at least. The side effects of Requip were just too bad for me to tolerate. It only took less than a week for me to see the results. Now even if I miss a few days, I'm still fine.

khills profile image
khills in reply to jademarshall

Just curious . . what were you side effects from taking Requip?

Suebdoobdoo profile image
Suebdoobdoo in reply to jademarshall

Had severe panic and anxiety from equip andtightness in throat ended up in ER for Panic. Dr said start gabapentin instead

Bella5 profile image

I'm certainly going to try it.

Missymaz profile image

Hi I'm Missymaz I really want to try your remedy and have tried to find molasses in the shops and was wondering if you are from America and if so what the equivalent is in England I am so desperate for so thing to work it sounds great thanks.

jademarshall profile image
jademarshall in reply to Missymaz

Yes I am in the United States. But If you cannot find molasses try honey instead of the molasses. To tell you the truth lately I have been using honey with the Apple Cider Vinegar and it seems to be working.

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to jademarshall

Yup it does help. Not a cure for me, but have not done it every nite..will try harder....

VRose profile image
VRose in reply to Missymaz

Black Treacle is the Brit term for molasses

kirkdale profile image
kirkdale in reply to Missymaz

I am in Morecambe England which is not very good for shopping but I have just bought a jar of molasses and a bottle of cider vinegar at Holland and Barrett Health shops. I believe they are quite well known throughout the country. Hope you can buy some and let's hope it works.

Lewiswalch profile image
Lewiswalch in reply to Missymaz

Black treacle

riverdancer profile image

you can get black strap molasses at tesco, im off to get some myself, ill try anything for a good nights sleep.

jademarshall profile image
jademarshall in reply to riverdancer

If you cannot get Molasses, you might try honey.

in reply to riverdancer

Welcome to the Forum riverdancer... keep us posted on your

success with this method. =) Apple vinegar has been used

for everything from weight loss (with honey) to coughing..

it does prove success with it's acid properties.. I've never

heard a single person mention this combination for rls until


Missymaz profile image
Missymaz in reply to riverdancer

Hi thanks for the tessco tip found the molasses. Missymaz

Missymaz profile image

Hi thanks so much I'm looking forward to trying it wish me luck.

in reply to Missymaz

Please do keep us posted.. What else are you doing for those

bad rls nights?

Missymaz profile image
Missymaz in reply to

Hi everyone have been trying the apple cider vinager and molasses since the recent post, not much luck so far with RLS but makes me nauseous which is odd cos I love vinager. Not giving up yet still hoping it will work. Has it worked for any one else. Missymaz

in reply to Missymaz

Sorry it hasnt worked, but i did doubt it would.

jademarshall profile image
jademarshall in reply to

How long have you been trying?

Lewiswalch profile image
Lewiswalch in reply to Missymaz

Skip the vinegar.

Look forward to hearing from those who are going to try this remedy.... :)

nellycat profile image

sounds interesting will be giving it a try get so fed up with these awful symptoms nice to read posts from people who understand good luck everyone

in reply to nellycat

Hello Nellycat..welcome aboard ( = I will be most excited to

hear results from this mixture. What did you try previously?

funnyfennel profile image

I agree that the "dopamine" type drugs have such weird side effects, in fact a doctor told me recently that he would never take them because of their bad effects. There are other things and I am determined to put together a combo of alternatives including excercises in the future and cider vinegar and honey will be on the list. (used to drink it in the good ole days)But as for now, I am relying on pramipexole x2....

in reply to funnyfennel

I am too..relying on pramipexole.. I used to drink the honey cider was a fad in the 90s for weight loss. I drank it after my meal..everything tasted so bad after drinking it that I naturally lost weight...=D. I can't remember suffering this much with rls back then... maybe it was doing me some good?

I'm 100% on board with the stretching exercises. Keep up your good work.

It's helping others to learn from you. ( =

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to

how much pramipexole are you taking? I have a really hard time motivating and therefore getting enough excercise.Just want to doze on the couch also taking a painkiller for my back.

in reply to funnyfennel

Oh you and me both would rather not have to work so hard to chase our ailments away..I am taking 1mg Pramipexole. It's the regular, not the slow release. I am trying to cut back again

to .75...My plan is going to be in effect Sunday night.

You will have to fight pretty hard against pain killers. Motivation leaves long before the painkillers kill pain. It's just that way until you build up a little tolerance..and I hope that this never happens to you..... it would mean that you would need more pain killer to rid yourself of pain.

nellycat profile image

tried taking magnesium little effect do stretching excersizes now take ropinerol which helps me get to sleep but still wake in the night with that horrible feeling in legs and arms sometimes noone seems to take this seriously except poor husband who has to sleep in spare bedroom on many occasions . bought the molasses today so here s hoping good to hear from others going through this good luck to everyone hang in there

in reply to nellycat

I did notice that eating 2 to 10 almonds before I go to bed -like

an hour before works pretty good to keep that middle of the night

RLS away.. it's loaded with magnesium..Brazilian nuts also are

good choices because of the selenium - just 2 a day give you

plenty of that.. I DO take pramipexole as well..

I too am looking at my glass of cider vinegar and molasses with

some water..and I'm kinda chuckling because we are all toasting

with this conception. I dread the taste just as much as you do..

but here it goes... chug, chug, chug..done..whew.. nasty. lol

in reply to

3 nights of doing this... It is solving one major issue

for me that has nothing to do with RLS.. but my

legs haven't caught on to this practice yet... I am going

to give it two weeks.

I have this annoying cough going on that wakes me in the

night time. It's gone. I drink your remedy, brush my teeth

and go to cough for the past 2 nights. I hope that

it's the key. The taste of Molasses is very hard to get

used to..I have to plug my nose and drink up my shot..

I quit adding 4 oz of water to the mixture. It takes too

long to drink it for me..haha

VRose profile image

My doctor just took me off Pramipexole from my RLS. The side effect were horrible, and my GP along with my cardiac doctors wanted me off the stuff. However, I must slowly reduce the amount of Pramipexole until I'll off it - and my legs are just going crazy! I'm going to try the vinegar/molasses in water tonight.


in reply to VRose

Good luck with the vinegar/molasses hope it works but i do doubt it. Your RLS is reacting to not getting the dopamine, can your doctor not give you something to help with that, like maybe Tramadol..??

VRose profile image
VRose in reply to

Thank you for the tip. I'll give him a call and tell him what's going on.

This withdrawl is worse than I had when I got off Effexor years ago. The entire thing of getting off the Pramipexole on top of just having a hysterectomy three weeks ago. Ugh. It's been tons of fun (not!)

I'm still at the cider vinegar to absorb vitamins and minerals..

I started adding honey rather than molasses.

One drink of that in the morning is enough. No change for RLS.

nightdancer profile image

Really hate to throw the word "cure" around. The word treatment is better suited for use in reference to RLS, since there is no cure. And, since you are a nurse, I assume you know that RLS is not leg cramps, and are 2 different things. Nice that that works for you, but for refractory RLS, things like that usually do not work for most of us. I am glad it helps you and it cannot hurt, for sure. I have tried all kinds of those concoctions, and nothing like that stops my RLS, or even quiets it down. Molasses has iron, so that may be helping you, but usually not "within minutes". I moderate groups with over 3,000 members, and i wish it was that easy for all of us. :)

Painterjohn profile image

Hi, would I find the cider vinegar & molasses in most supermarkets or would it mean a health shop, thanks

Kaarina profile image
KaarinaAdministrator in reply to Painterjohn


You will be able to buy both ingredients in most large supermarkets or a health shop.

If it does not work for your RLS you can use both molasses and apple cider vinegar in quite a few recipes.


Painterjohn profile image
Painterjohn in reply to Kaarina

Thanks Kaarina I'll have a look tomorrow , it's got to be worth a try after all it's not going to break the bank, thanks again

Jphickory profile image

Hello, first post here. I have suffered from RLS since my teens... now in my fifties. During my teen years I unconsciously developed a habit of rocking in my sleep (a side to side rocking motion) to help sedate the RLS gnawing discomfort. I was only vaguely aware that I rocked in my sleep. When I shared a dorm roomin college, my roommate would say "you're rocking". I would hear him and momentarily stop. The fact that I was fully cognizant of his comment made me realize I was never in a deep sleep while rocking. In my late forties I was diagnosed with OSA. I now use a cpap machine. For some unknown reason the cpap machine greatly reduced my sleep rocking. However, I still get awful fits of RLS and even occasionally get it in my arms too. Like the OP - I have found that drinking about an ounce of ACV with 3 oz of water often helps settle my legs. Just last night I was up until 2 am on a work night with RLS. I finally got up and drank the ACV and within minutes of returning to bed the RLS subsided. I have used ACV for this purpose for years. On occasion (perhaps 25% of the time) it doesn't help. I'm not sure why that is. There is no question, however, that my experience over the years is that the majority of the time the ACV either eliminates or greatly reduces the RLS. I do not mix the ACV with anything other than well water (I live in a rural area).

My RLS seems to frequently coincide with an unsettled and/or gassy stomach. For anybody attempting to use ACV to treat RLS ... it's probably a good idea to brush your teeth after drinking to remove the acidic solution before returning to bed. Otherwise, I'd think the acidic solution may potentially damage your tooth enamel during repeated use. I hope sharing my experience may be helpful to someone. Best wishes to each of you.

Ikeeptrying profile image
Ikeeptrying in reply to Jphickory

What is ACV?

Jphickory profile image
Jphickory in reply to Ikeeptrying

Apple Cider Vinegar

hopejoy profile image

Do you mean a tablespoon of each or one tablespoon total of cider and molasses?

Petervg profile image

I've had "leg twitchyness" off and on for years - I'm not saying "RLS" because I've never been diagnosed and only just now (thank you Internet!) have found a term describing what I think I have.


What typically works for me when it happens is to get up and do 10 pushups (when my arms are twitchy) and about 10 squats (when my legs are twitchy), and then do the yoga move Downward Dog for bit.

Sure, it sucks to get out of bed, but a whole lot worse to lay in pain.

Also, I’ve just started experimenting with Kava - both tincture and the powder.

Lewiswalch profile image

I did't have cider vinigar as I have found acidic things definitely make my rls worse. But yesterday I made flapjacks and put some black strap molasses in them (called black treacle in the uk) and last night for the first time in many months I had zero rls. Might be coincidence but maybe not if iron is implicated in this condition. Will wait and see what tonights sleep is like.

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