RLS-UK has been contacted by Peter Muthinji, a specialised clinical physiologist working at King's college hospital and who has a special interest in sleep disorders. Peter is currently a doctoral student at the University of Portsmouth and his research project is to explore the feasibility of using Home video polysomnography (HVP) for assessing sleep disorders.
Parasomnias (abnormal behaviour during sleep periods) are a particular group of sleep-related disorders encountered in neurology, often requiring Polysomnographic (PSG) studies in a sleep laboratory setting. Laboratory settings however have certain practical and logistical limitations and there is need to explore other ways of evaluating these disorders. One way is exploring the feasibility of Home Video Polysomnography (HVP), a home sleep study looking at same features as a laboratory based sleep study.Part of the project involves exploring the patient perspective/ preference for this type of diagnostic method.
RLS-UK would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to review Peter's questionnaire which you can find under 'News and Events' on the right-hand side of our website homepage (rls-uk.org). The questionnaire has been designed for semi-structured interview. Peter would appreciate if you could provide your feedback on the questionnaire in the comments section on this page. He will be accessing this forum page directly and you will therefore have the occasional opportunity to interact with him directly.
Please note that at this stage of the study, Peter is only looking for feedback on the questionnaire - he is not recruiting candidates as of yet. You are NOT required to answer the survey, rather to provide feedback on whether you feel it captures the elements you would expect to be asked. It is not an RLS-specific survey so there are no RLS-specific questions on it.
Please can I ask that all feedback is respectful. There are no right or wrong answers.
Thank you.