Does anyone out there find there is a... - Restless Legs Syn...
Does anyone out there find there is a link between RLS and an irritable bladder?

Or is it just that once we're out of bed we think we might as well go to the loo?
I am the same always need the loo but I think I read Somewere that rls can lead to restless bladder ? X
What's a restless bladder?
2nd this question...
and an irritable bladder too?
Irritable Bladder: This is where the bladder contracts when it is not supposed to. It may cause you to pass urine frequently or to get up at night to pass urine. It may also case you to rush to the toilet or to not make it in time (Urge incontinence).
Restless legs is caused by a gene some of us have inherited, originating in Romania
There shouldn't be any connection between it and an irritable bladder which his often linked to the menopause and withdrawal of oestrogen .
There are drugs specifically for that condition .
This gene story is not true. See my other reply to Lordancer. Multiple genes but only with minor connections to RLS have been identified. And origins of genes are extremely difficult to trace, if that is possible at all. Infortunately life and diseases are far more complicated than that - one gene, one disease. Only in the rarest of cases.
Thanks for this, it was really interesting, I had never considered that the two were linked, but I definitely feel the need to urinate several times throughout the night. It can be really infuriating if my legs have just settled down and I'm almost at the point of falling asleep!
I have heard and read of people who when they have a full bladder, it can set their RLS off. Never heard of a restless bladder or a irritable bladder.

No i've never heard of a restless bladder but irritable bladder is a condition. I get up between 6 and 13 times a night to pee. I find that as soon as i empty my bladder the restless leg calms down for half an hour or so till i empty my bladder again. But this only happens at night or at rest for some reason.
Thank you for your replies explaining restless and irritable bladders.
I can guarantee that if I wait too long if I am busy, and my irritable bladder needs to go, 90% of the time, I will feel that first RLS "twinge" for lack of a better word, and I know I better get to the bathroom! Irritable bladder is just another way of saying you FEEL like you have to go more than you really do, and when you get there, you barely "do anything". Some people say "restless bladder" but that is the same thing. There are nerves that a full bladder can press on, and that may be a connection somehow. At least that is what my neurologist says and my GP.
If it burns, you probably have a bladder infection that must be taken care of. So important to pay attention to all symptoms, and write them down. I have a food diary, med diary, pain diary, etc etc. My doctor loves it.
Thanks, but i find my irritable bladder sets off my restless leg. Anyone else find that?
I have exactly the same problem. I don't know whether the RLS causes the urge to empty my bladder or vice versa, but I DO know that if not for the RLS I would be able to handle the urge to empty my bladders, and I DO know that after emptying my bladder I get some relief from my RLS. This can also happen during the day.
I also find that if I'm very busy and preoccupied, my legs don't worry me. Its only when I relax and lie down.
The interesting observation about all these posts on RLS is that THERE IS NO MEDICAL RESPONSE TO THIS. In fact, when I mention this condition to doctors I've consulted I either get just a nod, or a comment such as "Hmm that's interesting - next question". I have spoken to MANY doctors about this, and not one of them has taken the trouble to research this in any depth.
I know you posted this a year ago, but I didn't see it until I was Googling last night as I was up walking for the second d night in a row and had made roughly 40 trips to the bathroom. I asked my husband's urologist about it and he was very familiar with the connection, but that was it. Just went to a new "my last hope" neurologist. When I mentioned it to him, he suggested I ask my primary doctor for something to improve the bladder situation in hopes of lessening the RLS. Like you, I don't know why this isn't addressed more. Nice to know I have company, but wish better for you. I have never posted here before. If I learn more, will definitely post it.
My doctor calls it overactive bladder, which I could have told him myself...ha,ha,ha!
I have had RLS for many years now. Tramadol has been working great, but just recently I've been noticing in the middle of the night RLS kicks in full throttle until I empty my bladder. That's when I researched it and found this site. Hoping for cure
I jave been experiencing this problem recently. I get rls all the time now, but it worsens with my bladder urgency and is relieved some when I go. I also have neuro issues that are pointing at early onset Parkinson's. The restless body syndrome actually, started a couple months ago. It is agonizing often, like torture.
Hi - I read with interest your post - I have to use catheters to empty my bladder. I know that if I hold on too long , that is maybe I am sat and the bladder settles a little, my rls will start and my need to go increases. My rls started many years ago, but my bladder problem about 5 years ago unti I was prescribed catheters - with no real diagnosis - it was such a relief to empty my bladder fully I didn`t care. It must be a nerve thing ? There must ne a connection, I see that now. A previous doctor said that my nerves were probably damaged when I had emergency ceaserean, then a second one, then later a sterilisation. This sounds plausible. It is just another thing to manage.
Yes. I just started with adding the bladder and that is why i joined this page... To look into it more.