After smoking for about 37 years I QUIT!! I think this is the hardest thing I will have ever tried, but try I will. Going to use e-cig to start with although right now the silly thing won't charge properly. Ugh!!
I Quit!!: After smoking for about 37 years I... - Quit Support
I Quit!!

Well done!! I'm a week today & doing it cold turkey!!!! You can do it!!! I have already saved about £55!!!! Good luck! ;0)
Hi Bunny and welcome to our lovely community. Good for you on choosing today to start your quit. Come and join in the daily chat when you've got a moan or just to have a laugh, meantime, have a look through the archives and you may find some useful info to help you along the way.
Good luck, Andi

Morning Bunny welcome to the site which I am sure you will find very inspirational just like me. I find that I use an e cig plus nrt. I have two e cigs so that I always have one charged. The initial charge does take a while, perhaps it hasn't had long enough. Is it charging or not keep the charge very long suecx
Still having problems but luckily the shop near work sells single so I just pop to get one. Must try not to get too ratty as I am also having teatment to cause the menopause. Happy days. Feel pretty please with myself at present. 2 girlfriends who were going to quit today also, didn't bother which makes me feel righteous ha ha .

Hi Bunny, welcome to this wonderful community. Well done for starting your quit journey, join in the daily chat and you'll get loads of help, I know i couldn't have done this without coming on here, stay positive, you can do this. Sue

Hey bunnyrabbit, love your Easter name
Welcome aboard, you have made the right decision to stop smoking. Nobody says that its easy but everyone says that ts worth it
There are many of our members who have quit smoking by using the e-cigarette, so as well as Simba's advice, I'm sure that others will be able to help you out with any queries etc. . With regards to charging them, a little health and safety tip is not to leave them charging whilst unattended.
Have a good nosire around and if there is anything that we can help you out with, just give us a shout
I'll pop your name up on our 'Wall of Winners' the place where every quitter is a winner
Remember that you can do this

Lol Bunny, I'm going through the change an all!! Flashes are all over the place since I packed up, but they'll settle down again soon!!

A big well done to you Bunny! I hope that you get your e-cig sorted out soon! I used lozengers when I stopped, but the method which you use doesn't matter, as long as it helps you to stay off the dreaded white poisonous sticks!
I too am going through the change, have been for a number of years! Can't have HRT etc but like you Bunny I quite welcome my own 'personal summers' in the cold weather