Does fagends do home visits?: I an trying to... - Quit Support

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Does fagends do home visits?

ciarao_flanagan profile image
β€’8 Replies

I an trying to quit smoking and went to the doctor during the week to get some assistance but he said he could not prescribe me anythin unless I joined fagends, but all their meetings are at times when I am working. Really want to do this so need help, please :-)

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ciarao_flanagan profile image
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8 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi ciarao, I am Jilly girl, Well done on making the first step and biggest step to quitting. As for fag ends doing home visits I am not sure they do, however I am no expert and if you wait for Emjay our advisor I am sure she will help you. I do know some of the chemists do a quit service too. You may even want to try through this site which has really helped me quit and stay smokefree for 5 months now. (at 63yrs old cant be all that bad.)

Meanwhile look through some of the q1uestions and blogs on here. I am sure Emjay will get in touch with you today. Please join in our community quit support everyone is so friendly we support each other and have a laugh on the way.

Sorry not been able to help much. :)

ciarao_flanagan profile image
ciarao_flanaganβ€’ in reply tojillygirl

Thanks for your help Jilly Girl.. I will definitely be using this site to help me but my worry is the doctor will not perscribe anything until I join fagends and attend their meetings :(

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup ciarao, i'm pete nice to see you, i work all different shifts so is hard for me to join a no smoking program and thats why i am on this site :)

There's loads of help and support on here - as Jillygirl says - Emjay and Jarvo are the community advisers and i'm sure one of them will be along in a bit to get in touch with you :)

When i quit the first time, i was living with my Dad and the local chemist there did a quit support program and was able to go on a saturday morning to see them, maybe your local chemist may do this :) speak later.

Pete :)

ciarao_flanagan profile image
ciarao_flanaganβ€’ in reply tomonky

Thanks Pete :)


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ciarao, i've just found this, its one of Emjays blogs, just might help you :)

Get free professional help to stop smoking

Posted by EmJay ROY CASTLE 8 Jun 20123 commentsReport

Research shows that professional help can increase your chances of success by up to four times!

So by accessing services such as our on-line Quit Support or your local NHS Stop Stop Smoking Service, you are more likely to stay stopped

There's a lot of great professional support ready to help you decide the best treatment to help you do it. Amazingly, it's free of charge!

Key Facts about your local NHS Stop Smoking Service;

1. The service provides friendly, practical advice to any smoker who wants to quit

2. Help and advice are free

3. Stop smoking treatments are available on prescription

4. A Stop Smoking Advisor can answer all your questions, help you put together your own quit plan, choose the best treatment to help you to stop smoking and make sure you know how to use it correctly

Help, advice and support - either on a one-to-one basis or in groups. To find out who and where your nearest Stop Smoking Service is;

Text: GIVE UP followed by your postcode to 88088

Telephone: 0800 169 0 169

Pharmacist : Drop in to your local pharmacy for expert advice

GP or Practice Nurse: Talk about your concerns and find out more about products to help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms

If you do access your local service, then please let us know how you get on and we'll compliment the advice and support that you are given.

Why not even tell your local service about the support that you have received from Quit Support and other members

ciarao_flanagan profile image
ciarao_flanaganβ€’ in reply tomonky

Aw that's fab, thank you,

Ciara :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outerβ€’ in reply tociarao_flanagan

Hi Ciara, yeah it's me again gal sorryyyy, erm are you using any 'NRT' at the moment ?? if not you can get most of them over the counter at the chemist, just found another one of Emjay's blogs that might help you. Pete :)

Which NRT or other therapies do I have a choice of using?

Asked by EmJay ROY CASTLE 11 Jun 20122 answersReport

There are many different products on the market available to help smokers to quit. Many of which you can purchase yourself from your local pharmacy, supermarket or even over the internet.

However, to enable any of your local Stop Smoking Services to prescribe them to you they have to be approved and regulated by the Medical & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.

Please find below a list of products available and details of the recommended dosage;

If you have any questions regarding any of these products please ask

Nicotine Replacement Therapy;


Treatment period:

Preferable 8 - 16 weeks (at least 4)


25mg, 21mg or 15mg for heavy smokers (20+ cigarettes daily)

14mg or 10mg for lighter smokers (Upto 20 cigarettes)

24 hour or 16 hour patch


Very easy to use. Just stick it on at the same time each day (if 24 hours) or take it off just before you go to bed (if 16 hours)

24 hour patches can help with early morning cravings

Clear patch available


24 hour patch may cause sleep disturbance.

May cause skin reaction - worth perservering with though as normally dies down.


Treatment period:

At least 4 weeks and then whenever you feel the need


4mg for heavy smokers (20+ cigarettes daily)

2mg for light smokers (Upto 20 cigarettes)

10 - 15 pieces a day


Easy to regulate dose

Can stop you over eating


Tricky with dentures

Need to use correctly. 'Chew and park' method Chew as and when you need it, not to be chewed as you would a normal chewing gum


Treatment period:

Up to 8 weeks then reduce gradually over 4 weeks


Once or twice an hour as required (1 spray up each nostril or 2 sprays up each nostril)

Do not use more than 64 sprays in 24 hours


Gives fast relief to heavy smokers

Easy to adjust dosage


May cause nasal irritation at first

Dependence more likely

Caution when operation machinery


Treatment period:

Up to 8 weeks then reduce gradually over 4 weeks


15mg 3-6 cartridges daily (comes in boxes of 4, 20 and 36)


Helps keep hands busy

Easy to regulate dosage

Could help prevent over eating


Not so good for heavy smokers

May attract attention in public


Treatment period:

At least 12 weeks then reduce gradually


16-24 daily for heavy smokers (20+ cigarettes daily)

8-12 daily for lighter smokers (up to 20 cigarettes daily)


Can be used discreetly

Easy to adjust dosage

Very few side affects


Need to be used correctly - wasted if swallowed


Treatment period:

At least 12 weeks then reduce gradually


4mg for heavy smokers (20+ cigarettes daily)

1 or 2mg for lighter smokers (up to 20 cigarettes daily)

Average 8-12 lozenges daily

Maximum of 15-25 daily


Discreet and easy to use

Sugar free

Can help reduce weight gain


May cause initial throat irritation

May cause indigestion


Treatment period:

At least 12 weeks then reduce gradually


4mg for heavy smokers (20+ cigarettes daily)

1.5mg for light smokers (up to 20 cigarettes daily)


Discreet and easy to use

Sugar free

Can help reduce weight gain


May cause initial throat irritation

May cause indigestion

May cause hiccups


Treatment period:

At least 12 weeks then reduce gradually


1mg - 1-2 sprays each hour


Fast acting


May cause indigestion

May cause hiccups

Non-nicotine based products:


Treatment period:

12 weeks


Days 1-3

Take one 0.5mg white tablet ONCE daily

Days 4-7

Take one 0.5mg white tablet TWICE daily

Day 8 to end of 12 weeks treatment

Take one 1mg light blue tablet TWICE daily


Non-nicotine drug




May cause headaches

Abnormal dreams


Treatment period:

12 weeks


Days 1-6

Take one 150mg tablet ONCE daily

Days 7 to end of treatment

Take one 150mg tablet TWICE daily


Non-nicotine drug







EmJay profile image

Hi Ciaria,

Welcome aboard :-) I'm sure we'll be able to help you out no problem and provide you with the support you need.

Unfortunately, Roy Castle Fag Ends can only do home visits to those registered housebound.

However, there are groups at different times of the day to suit all individuals. This included early evenings and also Saturday mornings :-)

Have a look at the following link and see if there are any times that you can make, there are quite a number of sessions available that you can just turn up to without an appointment and the Stop Smoking Advisors will be pleased to see you;

Liverpool area;

Knowsley area;

If you prefer a one-to-one appointment, you can always call the FagEnds helpline on 0800 195 2131 Mon-Fri 9.30am-8.00pm and they can arrange this for you.

In the meantime, we can help get you prepared for your appointment so that when you do go along, you can almost be at the ready to quit within a couple of days of attending if you like? Have a read through the following link;


A couple of questions for you to think about and we'll be able to find what advice best suits you;

1. Have you tried to stop smoking before?

2, If you have, did you use anything to help you? Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or other for of stop smoking therapy such as Champix or Zyban?

3. How many do you smoke each day?

4. Do you want to use NRT this time? If so, do you have an idea of which therapy you may like to try?

You've definitely come to the right place and I'm sure we'll get you to where you want to be :-) Our members are all lovely and are really supportive towards each other :-)

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