Hullo! When it comes to the time where you should drop down to the smaller patches does it feel any different? Do you feel like the smaller amount of nicotine makes you crave cigs more, or send you into moods? I will be on my 8th week next week and I am really starting to get panicky about it xx
A question for those using nicotine patches - Quit Support
A question for those using nicotine patches

Sorry Lenne, cant help you with that one i am on the inhalator. Sure emjay will prob know the answer. I just use my inhalator without changing the cartridge for 2 days I think that is reducing the amount of nicotine. seems to work.

Aup Lenne, aint half missed ya gal, i was on the 25g--16 hour patches the first time i quit, and am on the same now, not sure what patches your on gal, but on my 6th week i found that i could leave them off for some time!!, maybe if you try - putting them on a bit later, and see how you go!!, i'm not sure what the stength of the second patches are??, but hey, if you dont think that they are strong enough, just put a No 1 patch on one day, and then put a No 2 patch on the next, untill your body gets used to them.
Your doing so so well Lenne, you realy are gal, so dont you get panicky about it, cus there is always a way!!!!
I'm sure Emjay will give you some more ideas, huh when she wakes up that is,
Pete xx

Hey Jilly and Pete, thanks for your replies! I did try the inhalator but it made me gag, same with the spray, so I thought probably best to just avoid those methods and go with the patch.
Pete, I am currently using Nicorette Invisi patches, 25mg. Next one down is 15mg, and there's a 3rd of 10mg.
I think my addiction is mostly psychological, and my brain seems to be okay with switching from fags to patches (after a lot of stern talking-to) and I am scared my brain will put up a bit of a fight dropping down a level. I get really stroppy in the mornings when I don't put my patch on so normally within the first half an hour/hour I put it on to save my tantrums spoiling anyone else's day. I think I will try what you suggest tomorrow and leaving it for as long as I can and see how I get on.
Thanks a lot, really appreciate your support I think I would probably fall flat on my face if it weren't for you lovely people, you have no idea how grateful I am xxx

Hey Lenne, you are on absolutely fantastic and you've already kind of answered your own question....
When most quitters drop down to the next nicotine product, for exampe the patch, they do build up a psychological attachment to what they see as the stronger one and so it's quite normal to feel a bit 'panicky' when moving onto the next stage.
All nicotine products (NRT) are there to take the edge off cravings and will never do for you what a cigarette will. This isn't bad news, as it means you will never suffer the lows that you do when waiting on your next smoke. NRT will keep you at a certain level. It will never send you as 'high' as smoking will but all the same, it will never let you sink to that 'low'.
I think I've said it before, just because it's all in your mind (psychological) it doesn't mean to say that it's all wishy washy namby pamby stuff that you can just get on with, your mind is so so powerful and what you tell it, it will believe. (think about licking a lemon, or sherbet - it's not really there but you can imagine it)
When are you next seeing your nurse at the surgery for your next stop smoking appointment? See what she advises you to do, and I'll always offer advice to compliment what you have been told. In the meantime, either leave your patch on for as long as you can maybe, but always have a fresh new one at the ready. Are you taking your patch off before you go to bed?
Something that I think everybody ought to realise when using any type of therapy is...
Although they do work, and work really, really well when used properly, it is YOU that works the therapy.
Remember to stay positive and the longer that you stay away from those piggies, the more likely you will stay off them for good

Hi Lenne. I'm at the end of week six. I started on 25mg patches, provided
by my local pharmacist's stop smoking service. He dropped them down to 15mg after the first four weeks and to be honest, I didn't notice any difference in cravings - I'm also using inhalators and didn't find I used any more after the patch dosage reduced. What I did notice was that I slept better after the patch went down to 15mg. However, a couple of days ago he wanted to reduce the dose to 10mg after only two weeks on the medium dose and I was a bit panicked about that. I'm using the 10mg patch for the first time today and so far so good. I haven't noticed that I feel any different than I did yesterday at this time of day, so here's hoping. Fantastic that you've done 8 weeks. I think anxiety about horrible cravings is one of the most difficult things about stopping. Maybe you could reassure yourself by knowing that if you find lowering the dose difficult, you could always supplement it for a day or two by using NRT gum or something else. Best of luck x

Thanks a lot, really appreciate the input! I didn't put my patch on for a while today and was a bit edgy but nothing I couldn't handle, I guess I don't want to push my luck.
I am seeing my nurse on the 12th then the docs straight after so it'll be interesting what they have to say too xx
Hi Everyone,
It is really great to see more and more people are quitting the cigarette addiction.
I find that NRT's didnt really help me that much, although I did experiment and found just using my mind and concentrating helped me quit. When you add up all the disadvantages smoking offers, you soon realize there are absolutely no advantages.
Great job to everyone who has quit, God Bless.