How bad is this?: Ok so I have been struggling... - Quit Support

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How bad is this?

Kaybug profile image
Kaybug14 Month Winner
14 Replies

Ok so I have been struggling quite a bit with not giving into smoking,sooooooo today I ordered a vape pen with zero nicotine juice to help me stay on track. Is this a mistake? Am I taking a step backwards? I feel guilty !!! oh and buy the way my quit was cold turkey

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Kaybug profile image
14 Month Winner
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14 Replies

Hi kaybug 😊

In my opinion nothing is a set back as long as you're not lighting up.

I went cold turkey as well 😡Grrr.

5 weeks is a long time going cold turkey!!!

You're a sure winner💃 Way to go🌺🌼🌸🌹🌷

Kaybug profile image
Kaybug14 Month Winner in reply to

Thanks Arizonasand I really needed a mind set for the hand to mouth thing I'm going nuts!!! Lost in the twilight zone!👽

in reply to Kaybug

Hang in there . These darn cravings pass believe it or not. My first 4 months were hard. I was on site a lot. I had to focus on the reason I had to quit. Fear was my motivator. Fear of developing a smoking related illness . You can do this. Xx

edwardo profile image
edwardo in reply to Kaybug

Your talking about "hand-to-mouth" reminded me. I'd been a 40 a day-er and about 20 years ago decided (well she who shall be obeyed decided on my behalf) to kick the habit. So, acupuncture....lasted 2 weeks. A coupla years later, hypnosis - lasted 2 years. Finally I (on my own) decided to go turkey. I realised I needed to find a "trigger", something that would help resistance when the urge tempted. Now I swear I don't know what led me to it and it sounds kinda queer but..... I examined the palm of my right hand and said, "This is the hand of a non-smoker." And it worked! Not only that but the fatal attraction of the weed had withered and died within a month.

Of course any shrink, amateur or professional, will come forth with some "inner-self" explanation but I'm not interested in rationale - it worked. And although the villainous COPD caught up with me, I had a few blissful, healthy taste-bud years free of the monkey on my back. (If you're under seventy years that last comment will be meaningless - its from Otto Preminger's "The Man with the Golden Arm" Elmer Bernstein theme, Saul Bass title design, Frank Sinatra starring).

Kaybug profile image
Kaybug14 Month Winner


Frostie2560 profile image

You aren't smoking so that is not a step backwards😊. Cold turkey is really hard going, I only did it because I hid smoking from my children, nrt would have had them asking questions (silly I know). Also you are choosing no nic so you're not putting that back into your body and even if you were,short term is still far better than dirty fags.

You've got this Kaybug💪💪🚭🚭😊

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Kay, you aren't taking a step backwards at all. You are being very sensible. Think how many people put pens to there mouth out of habit whether they smoked or not.

Your doing great. ☺xx

Kaybug profile image
Kaybug14 Month Winner in reply to jillygirl

So true!!! ❤️

Jaxv64 profile image

Noooooo not a step backwards at all! For whatever you need to do to stay off the fags! That 5 week badge us looking damn good on you kay bug !☺

Hi Kaybug, I have quit using a vape its worked well for me. Make sure you get zero nicotine liquid you dont need it now. :-)

Thistimeisforreal profile image
Thistimeisforreal8 MONTH WINNER

IMO anything that keeps you from going back to smoking is ok. You are using the zero nic juice, so you aren't putting nic back into your body. This is a million percent better than smoking. Good for you for recognizing you needed to do something before you slipped and smoked. Good luck . You are doing great🙂

Kaybug profile image
Kaybug14 Month Winner

Thanks so much for the encouraging words they mean a lot to me I can move forward guilt free and stay a non smoker just with a little help!🙂🌈

MrsGif profile image

You've done an amazing job Kaybug and don't forget it for one minute. I just want you to be a little careful with the vape... I don't think you said if you had any breathing difficulties, if you don't then do what you have to do, anything is better than the stinkies!

I gave up smoking last summer, I have severe COPD, and leaned a little on vaping as my partner is a juice maker and quite passionate about the whole business. I didn't really much like it initially and my lungs complained a bit, but like to total Muppet I am I persisted until I really enjoyed it.

To cut a long story short after a few months my lungs began to REALLY not like it and the upshot is that my partner has confiscated all of the bits and forbidden me from vaping any more. It's not the end of the world and certainly easier than giving up fags but it's another battle I could have done without and I just wish I hadn't let it become habitual.

I know just how hard giving up is but it's a process which one has to go through and there's no short cutting it. There are millions of people happily vaping across the world with little or no ill effects but it is early days and while I am certain that the dangers are very limited if not negligible when compared to tobacco smoking for those of us with existing lung damage it may not be such a smart move. Also whatever torment you are experiencing at week five is going to be temporary and just part of giving up, whether you decide to vape or not, hold strong, it's all gonna get easier and the struggles will become less frequent.

I'm so very sorry if I have in any way peed on your parade, it was not my intent. However I couldn't keep my mouth shut and not issue a word of warning with the benefit of hindsight. Right now I'm feeling rather stroppy and hard done by but it's just a bit of a waiting game and I know that soon it will no longer be the first, second or third thing on my mind. Until then, grrrrrr, pass the nicotine mints!

Kaybug profile image
Kaybug14 Month Winner in reply to MrsGif

I thank you much for the advice mrs gif I'm trying not to weigh 500 pounds when this is all said and done,it's a damned of you do damned if you don't sort of thing being a lot over weight is not healthy either and comes with it's on health risks right now I'm fighting with myself as to what to do with myself eat, no smoking, eat,no smoking so it's eat eat eat lol and no I don't have any breathing issues "so far" health wise I have high blood pressure and acid reflux,take medication for both! I'm just hoping to jump this hurdle I bought a cheap pipe and juices like salted caramel and gummy bears with 0 nicotine I haven't got it in the mail yet but I will keep you all posted on the good and bad of it all. Thanks again for the information. Miss kay x

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