any tips on quitting smoking and how long do the symtoms last with coughing and headache and when this pylem go away
quitting smoking: any tips on quitting smoking... - Quit Support
quitting smoking

Hi Rosie and big warm welcome to quit support.
Congratulations on quitting smoking as this is truly the single best thing you can do for your health.
When we quit smoking, we all go through different symptoms. Have a read under the topic headings especially the one Symptoms of recovery as you will find a wealth of information on the symptoms.
I have learned from my own experience and what other members have said, that no matter what they suffer with, none of last for too long and is so worth it.
Are you using any NRT -patches gum etc or e-cig. Another thing that will help is knowing when your quit date was.. IF you are very new to quitting, that will explaining the headaches etc.
Stay in touch and let us know how you are going..this forum has members that have quit using just about every method available and are always willing to help
iam on patches and lozengers for my quit smoking my quit date was 3 days ago now from today

this is certainly why you are feeling poorly. Rosie, I promise you it does get better, In my opinion getting through the first 4 weeks is the toughest as your body adjusts to not have not only the nicotine, but the other nasty 4000 chemicals found in cigarettes.
drinking water helps alot in these early weeks so try and drink lots of water, also under the "all things Quit Support" heading there are some fantastic resources for breathing techniques that really do help
I got the headaches when i quit and these only lasted the first couple of weeks, I know at the moment it can be very hard, but hang in there as you are doing fantastically
I quit cold turkey after smoking 30 a day for 40 years
and in those first few days i had all sorts of doubts ..but honestly...I am so glad i stuck with it as once the first month was gone, the rest has been a breeze in comparison
Keep up the great quit

thank u for ure help i am determind to stay quit and i will let u know how iam getting on
Good on you for quitting..
Thlem I still have and it's been over 5 months but it's not as bad as what it was , however that's really the only thing that I have left. My doc says it takes 6-9 months but also depends on the person, how much they smoked .
as I see it the fags must be really bad to make you feel that Ill once you stop smoking😄

Hi Rosie, Great news you've made the decision to quit. it's not easy but please stick at it as you will feel so much better months down the line.
I didn't suffer from headaches but had phlegm when I was smoking. It's not completely gone but a lot better than it was. The chronic cough I had when smoking is also a lot better.
Keep in touch
Take care

Hiya Rosie and welcome to quit support😄
Hang in there because it really will get better and as some of the other lovely members have said, drink lots of water and get out in the fresh air if you can😃
If you can make smoothies or juices to help your body repair itself, or plenty of fruit will help as well 🍎🍏🍊🍓🍌😃x

how can i get rid of pylem when i cough and how long will it take to go as its giving me a nasty headache through coughing i ve have been drinking water and keeping healthy i know its early days but how long will the cough and the mucus take to go away
Hi ya Rosie I'm sure I posted a comment to you last night, but it seems to have ermmm, vanished
Soooo, firstly a big warm welcome to you and a massive well done to you for taking that first initial step to quit smoking
I see your using the patches and lozenges, these are excellent Please remember to put the patches in a different place each day, preferably on the upper part of your body, they seem to work faster there
but saying that, when I used them, I used to put them on the tops of my thighs and on my bum tooooo
Lozenges, I use these myself at work if I need them, cos we cant use our e-cigs When you get a craving git it some suck, then sort of park it up to one side of your mouth until you need it again
Rite, phlegm !! your only in your first few days of quitting and I think most of us get that at the start its just our lungs clearing all that crap out of them
It lasted about 4 days for me, but there again, when I got home from work, I used to go into my garage and jump on my rowing machine and give it hell
cos that was the worst time for me for cravings ! and it really helped me get through
plus when I got off the rower, I used to cough and flippin splutter like a goodn gal
Soooo, it didnt just help me get over the craving, but it also helped my lungs to clear themselves out
So if you can do some sort of exercise, then it just might help you to get rid of the phlegm too but please spit it out into a hanky or some kitchen roll or something to get rid of it once and for all, I know its not very Lady like, but we have to do what we have to do eh and hopefully it will get better for you very soon
Hmmm, I suspect you've gone to sleep now reading all this
Good luck Rosie Pete