I've smoked for 30 plus years. I've tried to quit so many times. As of today it's been 3 days and I'm doing it cold turkey. I have my mind set that this is it. I'm glad I found your site so I can read all your stories and words of encouragement.
Quitting for good: I've smoked for 30 plus... - Quit Support
Quitting for good

Hiya Shirlgirl and a big warm welcome to quit support 😃
3 days is fantastic, well done to you 😃
We're very glad you found the site as well and there's lots of great people here to encourage you. You can do it and we will be here to help you. lots of hints and tips on how to deal with those cravings and plenty of lovely helpful people to support you on your journey. Stay strong and focused and one day at a time and you will get to where you want to be😃 coz we all want the same thing ..............to be smokefree 😃 x
Hi shirlgirl 😀
Welcome to this mad wonderful site 😉
As briar said there's lots of info, tips and all things to help stay smoke free
If you haven't already read Allen Carr "Easyway to stop smoking" not the greatest written book but I and many others believed it helped them 😀 if you google it it's free online 😀
Keep in touch come on here to ask questions, have a moan or a laugh.

Hi shirlgirl and welcome to quit support
Good on you for getting through the first 3 days as they can be a massive challenge when going cold turkey
there are lots of helpful hints on the right and side of the page under the topic headings to help you along the way and the wonderful members of this forum will support you too
I quit cold turkey after 40 years of smoking and by have my head in the right place, from day 1 i have never looked back. The mind is the most powerful tool you can use in staying quit...We have a little acronym we use here NOPE Not One Puff Ever.. Tattoo that firmly in your head and you can't go wrong
All the very best
Hi Shirlgirl, Great to hear you are quitting the cigs, and Cold Turkey too
Stay strong, and keep in touch.