hi do they really work ?
e - cigs: hi do they really work ? - Quit Support
e - cigs

Hi adzboi1
I believe like any form of NRT they work for some and not for others. For some people ecigs really help them, for others it just doesn't.
If your thinking about using them yourself then I would advice you to give it a try. I used them when I first quit but due to allergies I ended up quitting cold turkey.
I know I've not really answered your question but hopefully somebody else will come along and give you a bit more advice

Hiya Adzboi and welcome to quit support
As Shanti has said everyone is different and yep they worked for me I'm happy to say along with the help and support from this terrific forum, couldn't have done it without them

Hi adzboi1 and welcome to quit support
I never used the e-cig as the nicotine one are not available in Australia therefore wasn't an option. No two quits are the same, however, there have been many people here that have quit using the e-cig, It really does come down to each individual and finding out what works best
Good luck on your quit journey

Hi adzboi1, Welcome to quit support. E cigs are very popular aid for quitting. Like others have said it varies from person to person. At least the e.cig may contain nicotine , however it doesnt have the 1000s of poisons in them ,like cigarettes. The nicotine keeps you addicted but doesnt poison you on its own.
There are lots of nicotine replacement products on the market, its just finding one to suit you.

Hi ya Adzboi and a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support forum
Rite then, the e-cigs I've used an e-cig for 8 months now and it works for me
but saying that, I only use it at home, cos we cant use them at work so I use the lozenges if I need a bit of a kick up the bum eh
The e-cig I use is the vape type, the ones you put liquid into, I started off with 24mgs, then came down to 18mgs cos it was too strong for me, now am on 15mgs. Next week I will go down to 12mgs and hopefully keep cutting it down until I get to zero nicotine
But like the Girls have said, we are all different Adzboi and there are all sorts of different nicotine replacement therapies about
If you do decide to get an e-cig, I would strongly advise you to practice with it first and get used to it, as in, if you feel like a smoke, use the e-cig, then the next time you feel like a smoke, have a real one and so on, just to get the taste and feel of it Plus you still get that hand to mouth thing with the e-cig.
Please keep us informed and if you want to know anything else, you just shout out, good luck
thanks pete am thinking about giving it ago .
also when you have a puff on a e-cig how many do you normally have ? and how long between each? i just want some sort of idea please cheers

I have been on e-cigs for nearly 3 years now, I found the switch easy in comparison to going cold turkey. As long as when you want to smoke you have the e-cig with, you and you tell yourself to smoke that, and you keep at it it's straightforward as your mind associates the "hit" with the e-cig and soon (with luck) you will feel less interested in regular cigarettes. I posted my history here: healthunlocked.com/quitsupp...
Also, a long way off but what's turned into a good discussion on quitting e-cige: