Hi all, I'm new on here: Was quit for two weeks... - Quit Support

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Hi all, I'm new on here

Loopy-Lou72 profile image
Loopy-Lou7210 MONTH WINNER
29 Replies

Was quit for two weeks, then stupidly had a few ciggies. Had some personal problems but the ciggies didn't help, obviously, off them again now and hoping to stay off. Been reading posts on here and everyone sounds really nice, giving lots of advice and encouragement. Good luck and well done to u all for quitting

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Loopy-Lou72 profile image
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29 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Loopy Lou72, First of all welcome to this lovely site. and well done on deciding to quit. If there are any questions or queries no matter how trivial just let us know. Emjay our super advisor is here to help. otherwise the rest of us step in to help. Please join in our daily chat , the more the merrier. :) :)

Loopy-Lou72 profile image
Loopy-Lou7210 MONTH WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Thank you x

Rosslyn20 profile image
Rosslyn209 MONTH WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Am new to this n am struggling to get started I hve nicotine replacement stuff but jst cnt get goin I had my last fag at ten last nite n hve stayed in bed ths morning to avoid them but I jst want to get up hve a cuppa n fag I need help tks x

Loopy-Lou72 profile image
Loopy-Lou7210 MONTH WINNER in reply to Rosslyn20

Hi rosslyn20, u need to change wot u normally do when u have a fag, try havin ur first cuppa in bed, then get up and do something different, I'm still struggling but u need to find something to motivate u like saving the money, thinkin about ur health or how proud ur family and friends will b of u, keep tryin u will do it

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Rosslyn20

Hi Rosslyn, I'm Pete, the old boy on here with 1 brain cell :o on a good day that is :D :D

Rite Rosslyn, I think you have to sit yourself down and write a list of WHY you want to quit, so that you can read it when you want some encouragement :) I will post my list up, see if you can add to it eh :)

Like Loop-Lou has said, try to change your habits, ermmmm, like when you get up in a morning, what do you drink, coffee !! well, change to tea ! or fruit juice ! or a bottled water out of the fridge, corrrr that will wake you up gal :D :D

I've found a lot to do with smoking is habit :o so if you can break the habit, then your half way there :) :)

Erm, before I go, may I ask what sort of nicotine replacement therapy you are using ?? cos maybe able to help you with that :)

Stay with us Rosslyn, speak soon, Pete :)

Rosslyn20 profile image
Rosslyn209 MONTH WINNER in reply to monky

Hi Pete I've got patches and the strips you place in yr mouth

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Rosslyn20

Hi Rosslyn, if you need to know anything about the patches, am ya man gal :o :D but I have never used the mouth strips, but have heard very good reports about them :)

Got to go to noddy land now gal, so I will bid you nite nite and have a lovely nights sleep :) :)

kattykit88 profile image
kattykit8813 MONTHS WINNER in reply to Rosslyn20

I felt exactly the same on my first morning, I actually burst into tears! The thought of going through the whole day felt like a massive hurdle. But after wiping away the tears on my way to work, the nicotine patch kicked in and I haven't felt like that since. Now I'm on day 4 and feeling much more positive. If you can push through that first morning then you're doing well already!! Stay positive

EmJay profile image

Hi Loopy Lou72, welcome aboard to Quit Support :-)

As JillyGirl says, it's a lovely site with lots of lovely super duper members who all help each other out :-)

Great to see you've jumped back onto the stopping smoking journey again :-) Just a few questions; Are you recieving any other help - Like from your local stop smoking service? If so, let us know and we'll hopefully be able to support you alongside their advice too. Also, are you using any form of NRT or other therapy to help you quit?

Let us know when your quit date was and I'll add you onto our Wall of Winners - the place where every quitter is a winner :D

Look forward to getting to know you :-)

Loopy-Lou72 profile image
Loopy-Lou7210 MONTH WINNER in reply to EmJay

Hi and thanks, quit date was 1st jan and I'm using patches. Got family and friends supporting me, not using any other services though

EmJay profile image

Brilliant, I've now added you to our Wall of Winners ;-)


Looks like you are focused. Try not to think about the few you did have, think of all the ones you DIDN'T have :D

Did you know that you can get your patches for free, or for the cost of your prescription from your local stop smoking service or some local pharmacies?

Planning and preparation will help to keep you smokefree, so keep this in mind :D

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to EmJay

Em jay, can you add me please. 2nd Jan on the strike of midnight :)

EmJay profile image
EmJayPartner in reply to Rainbowlilybet

All done, can't believe I never had you there already Ellie. You're a recognised winner now ;-)

Kaprin profile image

Welcome loopy Lou to this fab site full of people in the same boat trying to help one another, there is always someone around to give advice, congratulations so far in your journey and long may it continue

Loopy-Lou72 profile image
Loopy-Lou7210 MONTH WINNER in reply to Kaprin


quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hi Loopy-Lou72

Great name !! I am rather dull with "Quit" but it has worked because I have QUIT - yeah.

Just wanted to say HELLO and wish you all the best with giving up those horrible yuck yuckie nasty smelly dangerous white cancer sticks (sorry needed to get that out!!). Funny thing is I got 20 days or something and went back and had 7 Silk Cut because of some emotional family thing that all got a bit much for the old brain and it was at that point I realised the game was up because the bloody cigs didn't work or as you put it "didn't help" !!

My smoking days are over now and it is all about trying to recover from the damage done.... so I have good days & bad days - same as everyone else I guess.

Anyway you keep going because it is all so worth it.

Best wishes



Loopy-Lou72 profile image
Loopy-Lou7210 MONTH WINNER in reply to quit

Hi, I can't wait for my smokin days to b over, hate it, feel more determined this time, think u guys will help me loads, thanks


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Looooopy, a big warm welcome to this lovely site :) :)

Ok, you had a bit of a blip, but try to think back at what made you light up again :o I know you say that you had personal problems, this too, has made me relapse in the past :( Just have a think of what you could do next time you have a personal problem, instead of reaching for the ciggs !!

I have a rowing machine, to which I use ermmmm, quite allot :o :) I have found out that if Er-in-doors ( who is a typical flippin Woman, I tell ya ) If she causes me some flippin bother, then I just go and jump on my rowing machine, and give it flippin helllllllllll and, well, that gets rid of the stress factor :) I tell you, that poooooor rowing machine is worth its weight in GOLD to me :) It helps me with the cravings as well, especially at the beginning of my quit :) :)

What I'm trying to say, is find something to do when you get stressed out, so you dont automaticikly reach for you know what :o

Looooooopy, you say that you arnt using any quit services, BUT you have your family and friends backing you, that is just ACE :) :) and now you have us lot to help you toooooo :o :D :D

PS, ermmm, Asda have an offer on patches at the moment, £7.00 instead of £15.00 something !! just a thought if you have an Asda near to you :) I used patches to help me, so if you have any questions, you fire away :)

Take care now, and good luck, Pete :)

Loopy-Lou72 profile image
Loopy-Lou7210 MONTH WINNER in reply to monky

Thanks for the tip about asda got one just up the road from me, really glad I joined this site u all fab


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Loopy-Lou72

Careful Laura he gets big headed. :D :D (only kidding) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

:P :P

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER

Hey Loopy Loo. Welcome to the best site I've found. The people here are amazing xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Rainbowlilybet

What even the one's with only one brain cell tooooo :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

What do you mean the ones, dont you mean the one?

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

:P :P Huh, typical flippin Woman

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply to monky

Especially that one

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner in reply to Kaprin

Go to bed 4 weeker & 4 monther.

The 5 FIVE ,"YES" FIVE, BIG FIVE MONTHER has the last word tonight and it's BED for those in their early days ....... anyone OVER 4 months can stay up and watch TV, like the Reef - which I have just watched and it has made me want to go for a swim in Aussie land / well Aussie sea with those big Great Whites and they are so flipping greeeeedy !!!!



monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Kaprin

:P :P

kattykit88 profile image
kattykit8813 MONTHS WINNER

Don't beat yourself up about the slip up it happens to loads of people! Stay positive and I'm sure you'll succeed this time :)

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