Excuse the rant but........: I am so fed up and... - Quit Support

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Excuse the rant but........

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER
30 Replies

I am so fed up and annoyed tonight. Do you ever find people interfere in your quitting? And I don't mean you guys because you help is asked for and very welcome, but I mean people who randomly chip in with advice and their opinion. Even worse when that person isn't and never has been a smoker.

After keeping it quiet, I finally decided to tell my friends a few days ago when I reached a week. I wish I had kept it a secret.

Two people said 'ONLY a week?' (One from a non smoker, one from an ex smoker who thinks quitting is easy because they did it I with no NRT and no help)

A non smoker decided to tell me how she's against NRT and against it being free. Apparently her taxes are better spent elsewhere

People seems to think they are better informed than me about what type of NRT is best for me

One must live a secret life as an e cigarette vendor because it's all she's talked about over the last few days

A couple think they are helpful by repeatedly asking me how long it's been. 'Ehm an hour longer than when you last asked'

There's someone who, when I complain about wanting a fag, suggest I just go buy 10

And the worst by far are the 2 people who have no intention to give up and like to tell me all the things they love about smoking, and make me miss it so bad.

Thank god I've got you guys who understand

Sorry, rant over

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Rainbowlilybet profile image
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30 Replies

Oooooh. For me its the non smoker who thinks their tax shouldn't be spent on helping people quit. And exactly how much tax does she think you've contributed over the years on every packet of cigarettes you've bought. Smokers have contributed a hell of a lot of money to the treasury. Each and every one of us. What we get back in 'help' from the state to try and kick the habit is peanuts. Give her a bash from me :D So, this person who thinks her tax could be better spent on other things. Is she super slim, super fit, does she not drink, and does she only eat the healthiest of food and never set foot outside the door without at least factor 50 on. If not then she should practice what she preaches, because one day in her life she may need the help of the health service, more than likely because of something she's succumbed to because of a less than perfectly healthy lifestyle. Sorry if she's a friend of yours, but ugh, these sanctimonious, holier than thou people bug me. Take no notice of any of them, you're doing just fine :)

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to

Exactly. Although I told her to go and compare the cost of 12 weeks of NRT, and the cost of treatment for lung cancer and get back to me about which is less. So far nothing.

I'm so glad you understood!

in reply to Rainbowlilybet

haha, quite right, and very true. The person who said it was easy? I never believe them, they lie. I always think the ex smokers who turn very anti smoking towards those that still smoke are perhaps secretly a little envious too.

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to

I just hope I don't turn into one of those people! Lol imagine becoming to very people we currently dislike

in reply to Rainbowlilybet

I made a vow never to be like that :) Mind you I do notice myself getting quite irritated by the smell of stale tobacco on people and their clothes. I never realised just how unpleasant it is.

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to

I don't think I've come across a smoker since I've quit but no doubt the smell will make me wrinkle my nose in disgust.

Mejulie212 profile image
Mejulie212 in reply to

That's is so true. I've packed up many of time but this is the it

yellowsnowdrop profile image

As an ex nurse and an ex smoking cessation advisor (yep, I did actually have the cheek to tell people how to quit whilst cheerfully still smoking myself,I was quite successful with other folk but a HUGE failure myself) I would respectfully advise that you tell your 'friends' to go take a leap!! You're doing amazingly well to get the first week done & over & it's been proven that if you get that week done then the commitment is there to keep going.It costs the nation a hell of a lot of cash to treat smoking related diseases like COPD and in comparison Nicotine replacement therapy is but a drop in the ocean.People quit in a lot of different ways,some manage cold turkey with relative ease whilst others struggle even whilst using NRT,different strokes for different folks is all it is.

Keep doing what you're doing and rant away flower coz if that's all it takes to keep you quit then you're doing pretty well in my book.

mrssunnyside profile image

Hi Rainbowlilybet, Just read your post, you can rant as much as you like on here.

We all understand how some people show no compassion, and you can see it in their faces as if to say ' what's all the fuss about ' !!!! Grrrrr

But I always say everyone has a vice of some kind !! I,m not a drinker, and must admit I think there is as much if not more harm done to people and their family's from this, and

People do it secretly too, so as not to be judged, as they know it is bad for them !!!

OK I've had my rant now too :-D :-D

Stay strong, :-) x

in reply to mrssunnyside

Yep even old sinfree is not without sin. I am a very lazy person and patience isn't one of my virtues either. But I do agree with you, there is a lot of harm done through alcohol and a lot more innocent people are caught up in the fall out too.

naburn profile image
naburn27 Months Winner

Oh dear that is awful, sounds to me like you need to change your friends. I too have stopped for just over a week now and I've had nothing but support.

You keep doing what you're doing. I know how hard it Is and you can do without stupid people making those kind of remarks. Well done from Me xxx

jules56 profile image

hi my advise rant away and ignor the comments. celabrate everyday and keep going. we know how hard it is and only we know what we need to help us quit. me i am an ecig person others patches others nothing but the real important thing is no fags thats the only thing that realy matters not how you get there. good luck

Friezfriend profile image
Friezfriend13 MONTHS WINNER

Agree with all the replies too, Oh YellowSD that is soo funny u being a smoking cessation advisor in the past, really made me giggle! X

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Rainbow, you come on here and flippin Rant, Rave, moan what ever takes your fancy gal :) do you hear me gal !!

Some people just aint got a clue Rainbow, they havnt :o

Some people may just be jealous !! cos you have quit :o

Orrrrrr, you may be at fault as well, please please dont take this the wrong way eh, cos its Sunday, ( be good to all old boys day ) eh :D :D What I'm trying to get at Rainbow is, when we quit the cigs, we get a bit more - sensitive - short tempered - depressed - irritable - snappy etc, I'm not saying you are, but just slow down a bit eh :) :)

Those 2 people that have no intention to give up, pitty them, cos they are truly jealous of you, cos you can do it and they cant !! You Rainbow have got to be strong :) and show them that you CAN do it :) :)

We are all here for you if, and when you need us gal :) dont you ever forget that :) Pete :) x

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to monky

Thanks Pete. I agree that quitting has make me a bit more short tempered, but even with that in mind I still think everything that annoyed me was justified to. Xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Nite nite Rainbow, you look after No 1, thats you :) bugger the others eh :)

Foodiefan profile image

Ignore them all! I am now a whole ten days in and have kept it pretty low key with friends and colleagues. They must be driving you mad! I am using low dose e cigs....one friend said ....o, so you haven't really given up....could have ripped her head off but that's prob nicotine withdrawal rattiness!!

Mejulie212 profile image

Omfg what a night!!! Anyone else been having trouble sleeping since they pack up smoking???? 2 & half hours I got

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply to Mejulie212

Yep struggled myself last night, had terrible dreams when I did eventually get off to sleep, guess we have all been there x

Jmcf81 profile image
Jmcf81 in reply to Mejulie212

Last night was my first night sleep after stopping and i had real trouble staying asleep. Was waking up every hour and a half and my dreams were completely nuts!

Mejulie212 profile image
Mejulie212 in reply to Jmcf81

Thank god for that. Thought I was going nuts! Yes dream where very weard well gets hope for a better night. I'm knacked roll on 10pm good luck

Jmcf81 profile image
Jmcf81 in reply to Mejulie212

Ha i think we're in the same boat. Hopefully tonight will be better! Good luck to you too!

Mejulie212 profile image
Mejulie212 in reply to Jmcf81

Better night sleep. Took patch off be going to bed. Feeling feb!!!

Jmcf81 profile image
Jmcf81 in reply to Mejulie212

I had another poor nights sleep. More weird horrible dreams and they're always about my 2 and a half year old son, not nice atol. Have had sharp stomach pains all night not sure if this has anything to do with quitting or if it's something else unrelated. Good for you though getting good sleep (I'm a bit jealous lol)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :) I see you are talking about not sleeping and having weird dreams !!

Well, our lovely Emjay posted this a while ago, it may just help you to understand why !! erm, Hopefully :)

Vivid dreams when stopping smoking? Heres why...

Posted by EmJay ROY CASTLE

James, one of our lovely Stop Smoking Advisors has found some information that I thought you might all find interesting;

Vivid dreams are found to not be a side effect from stop smoking products. It has been discovered through research that it is part of the recovery process. The brain begins to repair itself and reverse damage caused from smoking. Neurobiologists have discovered that brain cells sprout new axons and nerve fibres during dream sleep. A chemical named serotonin in the brain triggers the brain to dream.

Smoking depletes serotonin production in the brain. When serotonin levels in the brain are balanced it creates a happy and contented state of mind. When serotonin levels are low a depressed and anxious state of mind is created. It is believed that smoking cigarettes can deplete serotonin levels by up to 50%. What compounds this problem is that the brain accepts the chemicals in a cigarette as a serotonin substitute on the basis that any chemical response is better than no chemical response at all. So therefore, when an individual stops smoking, serotonin production improves and the brain begins to compensate itself for lost serotonin production. The brain then produces more serotonin than needed, resulting in vivid dreams and nightmares.

Research has shown that it takes the brain 3 weeks to regulate serotonin levels.

Further research suggests that with an increase in serotonin levels there must be an increase in oxygen levels too. When a person stops smoking, carbon monoxide no longer takes priority over oxygen on the red blood cells. As a result of this change, oxygen levels of the individual increase. More oxygen is carried around the body and to the brain. When the stop smoker sleeps there is a higher percentage of oxygen reaching the brain than when they where a smoker. This process helps promote a process called rapid eye movement (REM) while sleeping. REM is an important process in dream production along with serotonin production.

It is essential to reassure a client that the first three weeks of a quit attempt are crucial. Vivid dreams are all part and parcel of the recovery process and the pathway to a healthier life style.

It is a positive symptom as it is the brains way of repairing itself and returning to a better deeper sleep.

Sleep well, Pete :)

Jmcf81 profile image
Jmcf81 in reply to monky

Was thinking ah it's not too bad until i got to this part "Resulting in vivid dreams and NIGHTMARES". I didn't sign up for nightmares haha. I'm just not gonna bother sleeping again lol

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to Jmcf81

We should all get together and have a pyjama party till it passes.

Jmcf81 profile image
Jmcf81 in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Sounds like a plan haha

Mejulie212 profile image
Mejulie212 in reply to monky

That's great don't think I can go 3 weeks with out sleep.

Mejulie212 profile image
Mejulie212 in reply to monky

Def pj party!!! Here goes to another shit night try and sleep well my friends

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