Day 39 n feeling positive I still have the odd craving but they don't last long. My memory has gone completely though since I stopped. Anyone else like this? Or is it old age. I'm 44!!!
Memory gone!!! Is it old age?!: Day 39 n... - Quit Support
Memory gone!!! Is it old age?!

I've just remember what I was going to say. My doctor (ex smoker himself). Said it takes on average 5 attempts to quit. I'm on attempt 3 and it's going to be my last. I can do this. X
Hi ya Kaz
Tooooo flippin rite gal, you can do this
You are well on your way at 39 days quit
but you have to keep positive !! I think thats one of the main hurdles when quitting, you have to keep positive about your quit
I'm 57 now, erm, erm, what was that question you asked ?? I only have one brain cell now, and well, thats on a good day
You take care now Kaz, your doing just fine gal
See ya later, Pete

Kazdon22, Well done 39 days is sooooo good, keep going. Erm old age or giving up nasty nic, bit of both I think, but yes my brain feels a little scrambled at times as concentration is not so good when not smoking. My longest quit was 6 months and my old brain did seem to pull itself together towards the end of the six months. I am on week 5 (I think} of my new attempt and am writing everything down that I need to remember including jobs round the house (which I ignore anyway!!) Good luck
I think then that I'm at last chance saloon as I think this is quit attempt 4 or 5 for me.
In answer to your question, yep,my memory has been worse since I quit,I'm 54.I find I have to write more stuff down so I remember to do it!!Possibly a touch of middle age creeping in as well.
Well done on the fantastic 39 days, be very proud of how far you've come.

Well, I think you have all done bloomin' well marvellous If it does take on average 5 times to quit, then many of you are already above average
Well done everyone
Now then... what was it I was about to do?!
Well done Kazdon 22, and yes EmJay I think we all done blooming good too
As for the memory thing well it gets worse at 60, I've let myself down so many times !!! and have to give myself a good talking to most days

Ha. Thanx for the replies. Made me giggle n feel btr that it's not just me that loosin my memory. PMA Positive Mental Attitude will get us thro! Well done everyone. Proud of u all. X

Well done for staying fag free...
Now.........What was your question again????????? oh yeh, memory, never had one in my life.

Lol. I no that feelin. X

I am laughing loudly as I have just finished writing a list of what i've got to do tomorrow! no cigarettes for over 8 months and yes my brian is a little scatty too ! i'm hoping like you it will improve - fingers crossed - WELL DONE on the day 39 soon be 49 - 59 - 69 honestly it's gets easier - x