SUNDAY 1st September. 2013 DAILY CHAT. - Quit Support

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SUNDAY 1st September. 2013 DAILY CHAT.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
31 Replies

Yes its the start of September , New start for some of you .

Many will have reached a milestone on their journey and will be feeling much better for it.

Well done to Chickles on reaching 1 year today. :)

When you first decide to quit , it is rather daunting, but once you start , get support from everyone on quit support, it isnt as bad as what you think.

Enjoy today whatever you are doing. When old Nic starts tapping on your shoulder

tell him to go away Sunday is a day of rest. :)

see you all later.


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jillygirl profile image
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31 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello Simba, welcome back to us. Don't forget we are all here to support each other, we all have our ups and downs and relapses. But we do help each other get back on our feet. Take care. :) xx

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner in reply to jillygirl

Thanks Jillygirl I have always had good support on here and it helped me when I managed 3 months last March, hopefully I will be at that stage again soon, Take care sue c x

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hello everybody

Sunday is a great day to start your quit and it does not matter what time you start,

say 1pm today & by 1pm tomorrow you will have done the first day....(that was easy huh !!) okay .. so it is very difficult to start but it gets better & better, so go on get on with it.

I get the odd craving coming & going now but so what... I want to be free of smoking. In fact NOT thinking about the next cig every 20 mins and NOT having to go to the shop all the time to get more cigs is liberating. It is just great to get away from this horrible, dangerous addiction.

Best wishes & have a great smoke free day everyone.




jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Jonathan, you are so right it doesn't matter when you decide to stop. just stopping smoking is the main thing. You say you get the odd craving , I think most of us do. My husband has been quit for 11 years now . He still has the odd moment where he gets a craving. Like you say nic keeps testing us all. but we can beat him. :) have a lovely day. xx

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Good morning to you Jilly

Love your poems this morning and I have said those exact words to my daughter & son !! and then carried on smoking because I was stuck in the addiction.

Yes I agree with you I may always get the odd craving but this is a small price to pay in order to be FREE.

You have a great day Jilly and I am off gardening now.


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good afternoon everybody :)

Well I had a bad day yesterday :X and I have chucked 3 Months of quit outa the flippin window :P :X I hate myself for doing it, while I smoked the first fag, I damn well new that it was wrong :o and I new then, it would lead to more, and it flippin did !!!!!!

Emjay, am so sorry gal, but you will have to change my quit date to - Monday 2nd September 2013 At 4 am tomorrow morning, I will smoke no more :) :) NOPE !!!!

David-the-Chimney profile image
David-the-Chimney in reply to monky

Just start again, in the end you'll crack it

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good afternoon Pete, you are not on your own Simba has done just the same. So ok lets start again. At least you have the guts to own up. . which in itself is a big thing to do. Well this time your quit date is easy to remember. so 1st of every month we will celebrate. :) If there is anything we can do to help just shout. xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

:D :D :D thankyou so so much Jillygirl, luv the pic gal :) :)

Simba, I think you are a Sue :o :) erm, I have set my new quit date for tomorrow, Monday 2nd September 2013 :) if you want to join me, then feel free, cos perhaps we could help each other along the way eh :) :)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner in reply to monky

I have told Emjay to put me down as the 2nd September so we will be stopping and getting to the year together!! I have tried of so many times, there could be a song in that. I think like you it is the stress factor which starts me on the smoking trail again. Like you my OH smokes and it is very hard not to think one will not hurt. Take care and keep smiling sue c x

Aw Sue and Pete I do feel for you. It's really not fair that your respective partners aren't doing enough to help you stop. When my husband decided to stop smoking 10 years ago I felt so bad every time I had a ciggie anywhere near him let alone sat in the same room. He always said he didn't mind and little did I know but he used to sneak the odd ciggie of mine when I wasn't around but he did manage to stop in the end without any NRT or anything other than grit determination.

I am stressed and depressed most of the time for all sorts of reasons and with the very stark reminder today that winter is just around the corner I'm sinking further down. Today I was gonna try not to have any lozenges because yesterday I had too many of both lozenges coupled with using my e-cig loads as well, that I actually felt sick by the time I went to bed.

I managed to get as far as 10.30am and could stand it no longer I had to have a lozenge, though I've not bothered with the e-cig today as its pretty useless. I think what I'm trying to say is life is hard enough with all the rubbish that's thrown our way on a daily basis, trying to tell yourself every day that you can cope with all this without a nicotine fix just makes it all the harder to bear. I know there are people on here who have far worse than us to contend with and have literally stared death in the face but even so I don't think either of you are going to get through this once and for all unless your families respect what you're trying to do and how bloody hard it is. They need to give you a break and smoke their cigs well out of the way of your noses and your eyes because I know there is no way on this earth I could live in a house with people puffing away on cigs and get as far as I have. I do wish you both loads of luck and I just wish your families would cut you both a bit of slack.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hi ya Sinfree :) :) about flippin time you showed your face gal, cos ave been trying to get hold of you for erm, loads of months now :o :|

David-the-Chimney profile image

Still pressing on, Heck it's hard isn't it. I brought my first treat today. A personalised number plate for my wife's car. Well, it was nearly for me

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to David-the-Chimney

Hi ya Dave :) :) I cant fault you one little bit , although you didnt buy yourselve anything pal, a pressie for her in doors, dosnt go amiss Cos she is happy and if she is happy, so are weeeeeee :D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Good evening everyone.

Pete and Suec, so sorry you've had an upset again. I can't really say any more than Sin has said already. My anniversary date is the 2nd - tomorrow will be 16 months for me - and I hope you can stick to that date of the 2nd so we can all be linked for ever. :)

I went out on my bike this morning to catch the Typhoon kicking off the last day of the Air Festival. I had a nice ride of 14 miles and was nearly deafened by the thing - it's just awesome. :) I was going to go back to see the Vulcan but they cancelled it. :( I then went out for a 2 mile run before dinner as I couldn't get out of bed this morning to do it as I'd planned to. ;-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Hi ya Andi :) :) its great you had a good time out gal :) :) :) although ave just bin looking for ya on the beach :o :|

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

You'd have been hard-pressed to see me yesterday. I heard them say that they reckoned there was over 440,000 people there yesterday! I don't know how they do their calculations though. :o

in reply to monky

We were gonna go to Blackpool today, but it was piggin freezin so didn't bother. I'm thinking I may need to dig out my hotwater bottle for tonight as my feet have been cold all day, a right miserable, cloudy, freezin cold days its been today :(

in reply to andi22

What's a typhoon? (haha I thought you were gonna say it was really windy there when you were talking about typhoon's) I heard a weird woosh go past our house at lunch time today, sounded like a rocket or something, it didn't half scare me anyway, no idea what it was - a typhoon maybe?

EmJay profile image

Good Evening All :-)

JillyGirl, a great opening for the day, even though it's taken me until the evening to make it on here :-/ :-/ :D :D

Huge congratulations to Chickles! We've not spoken for some time, I must send a message :-)

Sin, at least you found that you made it until 10.30am before needing a lozenge, maybe have your first one at 10 or 10.30 tomorrow. Just see how it goes. You are still doing really well... and not smoking. Go easy on yourself :-)

SimbaSue and Pete, it's not the end of the world and you are both as much in control as you want to be. Remember the importance of learning from your past quit attempts and that planning and preparation is the key to success. Oh, and staying positive too! :D :D

Sue, get that cross-stitch at the ready, Pete get that frame of mind at the ready. We are all routing for you both and will celebrate with you day by day :-)

Jonathan, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE all the way, you're doing great :D

David-the-Chimney, a personalised number plate eh?! I bet that must have cost you more than a packet :D I guess you have a rather pleased wife too! David-the-Smokefree-Chimney :D Well done to you :D

Andi, where has the time gone? I can't believe that it is 16 months already. Just look at how your life has taken a complete turn round with regards to your keep fit regime too! You are a real winner and you know how proud of you we are :D

I hope everyone is having a nice evening and looking forward to kick starting the first week in September off in good spirits.

Remember that together we can do this, but it really does help if you stay positive :-)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner in reply to EmJay

Sorry thank you Emjay also, didnt see your last post until I had written mine.

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Thank you Jillygill, Sinfree and Andi for your support, everyone on this site helped me get to 3 months earlier in the year. Just had last ciggy (yet again!!) so we will see how it goes, 3 months was the longest that I have managed but fingers crossed this will be the last time. Good luck tomorrow Pete. Sue c x

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to simba196

Good luck for tomorrow Suec, don't forget, you've had all that practise before so you should :o know what to expect. :) (Mind you, you did have lots of other things on your mind last time!) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to simba196

Hey Sue c, gooooood luck tomorrow for you tooooo gal :) thank you so much, this is my last attempt, so its got to work this time eh :o :) :)

I will be with you all the way Sue.c , cos if I see ya sniffin a fag, I will come and get ya :o :| you got that Lady :D :D Hey Sue c, my fingers crossed toooo gal :) :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Hey, catching a whiff (and having a good sniff at it) isn't a problem, it's actually smoking one. :(

Good luck to you too tomorrow, Pete, we'll all be rooting for you (as always! :o ) :D :D You'll get there one day. ;-) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Nite nite everybody, I wish you all the most lovely, stress free, no snoring, no farting sleepy night tonight :) :) enjoy :) :)

A massive well done to you Andi, flippin 16 Months :| and I'm not on 1 day yet :o Speak soon and luvs ya gal :) xxxxx

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner in reply to monky

Thanks Pete, cyber good luck wishes being sent to you. Have just got e-cig and lozenges at the ready! As Andi says we WILL get there .sue c

andi22 profile image

Nite nite everyone and good luck for tomorrow for ALL of you who are starting their quit then. :)

Night, night everyone. Looks like you've all gone to bed now. Ave been busy doing a spot of e-baying. We (I say we, my husband) is always buying stuff off e-bay, we just picked up a fridge freezer on Saturday, its very nice. The person we bought it off was the nicest e-bayer I've come across in a long time, they even threw in a free toaster with it. So as we are currently doing some serious junk clearing and as it won't be that long before I have no job I thought it was time we sold some stuff on ebay instead of buying. So I did my first listing tonight - a generator, ooooh I'm excited, hope it gets some good bids. Vera is a whole load of fun on ITV tonight, almost wish football was on at least I can just ignore that. Oh well as I'm probs talking to myself I'm going - night everyone, sleep tight.

David-the-Chimney profile image

Isn't it great that we're all on the same journey. When one of us stumbles there's lots of friends to help that person up with a smile and an encouraging word. How can we fail, if you slip up it doesn't really matter because tomorrow is another day and you can always start again. There is no ticket for this ride, we're all on the same bus. If you get off at the next stop, they'll be another one along in a minute full of friends and you know what, they'll be a seat for you.

EmJay profile image
EmJayPartner in reply to David-the-Chimney

Hey David-the-Chimney, I love your acronym :-) and you are quite right about being on the same journey. Glad to hear that you are finding our forum helpful :-)

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