QUOTE FOR THE DAY: Blowing out another,s candle... - Quit Support

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Blowing out another,s candle will not make yours shine brighter.

37 Replies
Betts profile image

Morning Kath and all :)

Weather's a bit dreary out here, but I don't care because I have a raincoat, and am off to Hay! I'm away on leg 1 of my family visiting, and have a feeling it is going to be a ver big eating week. We all like making everyone welcome with lovely food :) and I am reserving my willpower for quitting smoking at the month :)

I love this opener Kath, it is the spirit of this site, sharing, welcoming, and so true. The opposite of meanness of spirit, which makes me both angry and sad, when I see it in myself or anywhere else.

So glad to have this blog here to wish one and all a happy smokefree day. It's getting better and better! Just been brought a cuppa in bed :) :)

in reply to Betts

Second that - have a lovely time Betts and I'm sure the weather will improve as you travel along your way - well I hope so anyway :D :)

sue52 profile image

I third that, great quote Mad, have a great time Betts :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Awe! you got me again I quadruple that. Hope that's right. :)

EmJay profile image

Ooof! JillyGirl, can I quadruple plus one more on that too... I don't know what a fifth time is? :-/

It's a lovely saying Mad, thank you for sharing :-)

Have a lovely time today Betts, is it Hay-on-Wye you are going? If so, it's absoltely beautiful there and I love the fact that every other shop is a book shop and every other shop is an antique shop :D Heaven on earth for me! :-)

Kath, I hope you got the cleaning and ironing out the way, keep smiling :-)

Sue, big waves to you :-)

A much needed cup of tea is about to be made, if anybody fancies one it's a big pot :-)

Hi Everyone

Just been surfing as one does when it's raining and the word you're after EmJay, well you actually have a choice of two, QUINTUPLE or FIVEFOLD. Personally, I like the first cos it definitely has a 'ring' to it and I think it suits you as it's a lovely word being used by a lovely lady. Glad I got my vote in before now cos I haven't a clue what six times is maybe the next person will have, with luck anyway! :D

Most of the cleaning done but the ironing is still in a pile but there's football on tomorrow so it may get done and there again it may not - depends on my mood me thinks.

Still raining here but at least the plants are happy and I am come to that as I'm inside and it's only raining outside! :D

Hey, I think I'm on a roll but before I get too carried away, I'm going for a nice bath and then lasagne for tea with a few chips. Can't wait.

Chat to you all later hopefully.

:) :) there's two cos himself is cooking and washing up although I must admit I made the lasagne just leaving him to make sure it don't burn while I'm in the bath.

Betts profile image

Lol :) :) :)

Betts profile image

Yep, Emjay, Hay-on-Wye, and we've been in 2 talks, eaten plenty, visited a brother and taken to pub on the way back, now back to base for another feast before we meet some very old friends tonight. Tomorrow we are moving on :) And had a couple of books igned, one for me and one for a present :)

This is my treat, being able to visit everyone without constantly looking out for when and where I can smoke (even tho' must admit it has crossed my mind grrr) A good day so far.

Can you sextuplet it Kath? For the next? haha :) you are good at looking things up.

Hi jillygirl and Sue, hope the day's gone well :)

Have a lovely smokefree evening all, you know it's good for you :)


in reply to Betts

Firstly, Madimad have just waved bye bye to the man from Dynorod (cheeky good job I like you) LOL :D and secondly, Betts you are quite correct, sextuplets is six times.

Hope everyone's day has been super but mine is tinged with a little sadness as hey ho I'm back at work tomorrow, unfortunately, and all the rest of the stuff like that but never mind, short week and soon be the weekend! Yippeee!!

Have a lovely eening everyone but it's still raining here but maybe it will be fine tomorrow just have to wait and see what Mother Nature decides.

:) :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :) :) I hope you've all had a good day :)

Mad, I will erm, sevenipulit that gal :o :D :D thats just ace, I love it :) :)

Rite am off for some readin, cos there's loads on here today :o :|

See ya soon :)

in reply to monky

HI Pete

Glad you could join us - am being careful as I think there are some gremlins lurking but just wondered if you were catching up on your reading before or after watering your bedding plants. :D :D te he

As an 'older' hand at this gardening lark I just wondered if you took my info about french marigolds and tomato plants seriously cos I was serious.

Anyroad, don't want to upset your reading cos I know you find it diffuclt to concentrate sometimes and I would hate to confuse you.

Am going now before I say someat I will regret and also because I will then have a head start and you won't hopefully be able to catch me!

Hope your day was good anyway and hopefully catch you later - what do you mean not if you sees me first! :D

Keep smiling. :) as it does make the world a better place unless of course you smile at a complete strange like I did who then promptly crossed the road to get away from me.


cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER

Hi all.

Can someone tell me what happened to the daily chat. Did it get nasty again. If it did it is a real shame because there were some interesting and amusing threads within the chat. The kind of thing that can help some people, even if it just makes them smile. There was nature from Kath, history from Bunny and Mad including a link to historical facts about tobacco. It is getting really hard to know where to post.

Okay, moan over.

Sally... :)

in reply to cleopetra

Must admit to wondering if the gremlins are back know they were working on the site a couple of days ago cos a notice came up to say they were having 'technical issues' (posh way of saying gremlins methinks) and they hoped to be up and running later but not today so maybe the tehno buffs don't know about them yet!

Oh well, like Sally said some interesting bits and pieces but never mind, all is not lost cos I remember I said .... no, wouldn't do that to you, well maybe not today but could tomorrow if you like?

By the way, you're not moaning Sally you're asking a relevant question but sorry, just don't know the answer to it!

Glad you're still :) though


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Aup kath, you sound well :)

Yes I am also an old gardener, they have to be french marigolds though, cos they smell the strongest :) I used to grow them when I had an allotment, I planted them around my beans to help stop greenfly/blackfly, and my carrots, to stop carrot fly :) etc.

I have never grown them in my greenhouse, cos have never needed too, erm touch wood eh :o I allways clean my greenhouse out with Jeyes fluid early spring, so if there are any bugs, I assure you that will kill them :)

As for your other comments young Lady :o I tell you, if I hadnt bin on my rowing machine to burn my energy away, who knows how fast I could run, and how far :o :D :D :D

Pete :)

in reply to monky

Going all serious now Pete, do you not grow your toms in the greenhouse then? Never tried them outside always inside for some reason. Way I was taught I think veg outside fruits and toms inside? Appreciate your knowledge of the pros and cons for outside growing. Thank you.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hey Kath, I grow most of my toms in the GH gal, but just grow some cherry ones outside :)

in reply to monky

I'll have to give that a try problem is I'm tempted to grow more cherry than ordinary cos I just can't resist testing one or two as I go past. Tee Hee :D

When I retire I'm going to have a go at some veg so I know where to come if I need help then. Is that OK?

Wishing you a happy evening and I'm sure I can see a tinnie with your name on it in that there greenhouse of yours!!

Night Pete and sweet dreams to you.

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER

Okay thanks Kath. No worries.

Sally :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to cleopetra

Aup Sally :)

I didnt see the Daily chat, cos I have not long been home, but erm, maybe, just maybe if you Private Message Emjay, and ask her about the links etc, she may be able to help you eh :) :)

As for it getting nasty again on the Daily chat, I dont know Sally, but what i do know is, we will get this lovely site back on track, how it was, a happy, helpful, encouraging and friendly site :) :) :) :)

Pete :)

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

Thanks Pete, I have sent a message to EmJay.

Just want to wish everyone a very good nights sleep and rest and I hope you all have wonderful dreams of how you are going to spend all that luverly money that you've saved.

As I said in my blog (To have and to hold and if you haven't read it then please do 'cos it might be of interest to you) my first day all over again tomorrow so will be reporting what state I'm in just to keep everyone well informed.

Hope you have a fantastic evening as I'm away now to spend some quality time with my other half and watch one of the few programmes that I like (for information C.S.I.) and then off to bed so that I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for work tomorrow.

Take care all sending much luv and hugs and not forgetting positive vibes xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Nite nite Kath,

I hope you enjoy erm C.S.I. :o erm, not shore what that is, hmmmm would it be something like the Magic Rounderbout :o :| :D :D cos i dont watch telly very often.

Enjoy gal, and your sleep as well :)

Where has John disappeared to???????

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Aup Sinfree :)

I think he's left gal !!

How you doin :o :)

in reply to monky

Mmmmm. I'm OK Pete thanks. Still puffing on the stoopid e-cig and munching on the lozenges, how are you doing?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi All not been on site a lot today, suffering with a pain in my side, probably something I have eaten. Anyway see what I am like tomorrow. As for John , his account had been closed. I too wonder where yesterdays blogs had gone. as I didn't read much of yesterdays due to getting in late.

hope your all well , loves ya all. Off to get ready for bed now. xxxxxxxxxx :) :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to jillygirl

nite nite Jilly. Hope tomorrow is a bettter pain free day for you :-)

Sue xx

in reply to jillygirl

Hello and good night jillygirl :) Well, I was gonna read your link to the mental health site on smoking as I never got chance yesterday and now its gone!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

I will see if I can find the site tomorrow, nite nite. xxx

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Hi All. Still feeling real proud of myself. 8 weeks and not a cig or a puff has passed my lips. quite a feat as I thought I had little will power but maybe, just maybe I have some after all. :-)

Sue xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


Nite bunnysue.

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to jillygirl

:D :D :D

Aww, well done Sue, you're right to be proud :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

Thanks Sin :-) :-) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Nite nite Pete. xx :)


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Nite nite to all you lovely people on here :) :)

Ave got ta climb that flippin wooden hill again, cos i aint got a lift put in yet, and erm well, its still toooooo flippin cold to camp out in my garage :o :(

I wish you all a lovely piecefull nights sleep :) :) xxxxx

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to monky

nite nite Pete, sweet dreams :-) :-) :-)

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